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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Raise your consciousness (The flow of the divine)

There are many ways to raise your consciousness, but for the purpose of today's lesson I am going to speak of a method in which one's own understanding pushes their consciousness to raise. Put simply this means allowing your new found level of consciousness to resonate in your being and in-turn creating a new spiritual understanding (so to speak). Which will in-turn birth new questions and answers. It is almost like letting your mind travel and explore its new found consciousness to find new pathways into a higher consciousness (as if it was a physical place).

In order to achieve this leap frogging of consciousness you must intend it. Make a mantra that goes something like "I am exploring this reality with the intention of becoming a more conscious being and to evolve all that is my being" Then allow the spirit to guide you through the journey of time/space reality to draw upon new levels of thought. This technique is very unpredictable and it truly allows your inner spirit to be your teacher. Making the trust you have for your inner self a huge factor of your spiritual success. As well as letting go of the mask that you wear as self and allowing the spirit (which is your true essence of being) become you.

An good example of this progression is; When you start to realize that you are a spiritual being having a human experience and not a human being having a spiritual experience(which will raise your consciousness in leaps and bounds). Then you are left with the notion of evolving the spirit, and then wondering what the spirit is evolving for. Will lead you to a new found understanding of the purpose of life. It is a never ending cycle of student and teacher where you are playing both roles.

Meditation will also aid this process by silencing the chatter of the mind and allowing the message of the spirit to fully come through. The spirit observes in silence during our daily motions, listening and taking in all that we do. The reverse is the situation during meditation we observe the spirit in the same way, as we listen while the spirit speaks (in it's own way). Many practices of meditation has the person start off by saying, "Spirit, I am silencing the mind, so I can feel and understand your wisdom".

Above all else patience and compassion with yourself is needed. You must allow yourself all the room in the world for error and for this new consciousness to become Incorporated into the mind. Remember feeling good is an indication of how close you are to achieving this raise in consciousness. So it is important that you don't become too hard on yourself. This is not about studying, its about letting the river of life take you downstream. Now put down your paddle and let the flow of the divine take you away.

Joseph Anthony

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Be like a child

As a child you spent countless hours dreaming, playing and having fun. It was no wonder that you look back at this time in your life with such great emotions of joy. It was such wonderful time you lived to play, you had beautiful fantasies about everything your endless imagination could think up and you did not know what a worry was.

Then we got older and somewhere along your life people have told you that the dreaming, playing and fun mentality is child's play and has no place in the adult world. Now those on the spiritual path have now learned that this so called "adult" mentality not only leads to a very aloof life but it can hinder your growth as a person and more over a spirit.

Taking into consideration the laws of the universe. Was it because we were young and Innocent that we had such a beautiful life or was it because our minds were creating such beauty because our mind sets attracted it to be. It is obviously because we were attracting this style of life because all we knew was bliss. This mind set is the key to inner peace, world peace and all your desires.

A person on the spiritual path has the immense task of trying to forget the vision painted for them of a cold, UN-loving world. This is truly what it means when many masters use the term UN-learn. To take what is your truth and separate it from what you were told your truth is and too live in the joyful, blissful state of mind as intended.

This is not only important to your over all happiness but it is pivotal to your ability to create and manifest. It is your level of happiness or vibrational projection that will allow good things to enter your experience. Making the child like attitude I speak of the true attitude for success. Fun is not a luxury it is a necessity and the more you become a fun happy being, the closer you are to your true nature and ultimately your source.

It is time to smile, laugh, play, love, dream and above all be happy. This is what your here to do "be happy and create". Take some time and feel what it was like to be a kid again, hold that in your heart and carry it with you for the rest of your days. There is no time like the present to begin your new child like outlook on life. Oh yeah, Have fun and tag your it!!!

Joseph Anthony

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Ten Commandments, world peace and enlightenment

The ten commandment story is as well known of a story as that there is or ever was. Whether you believe in the Ten Commandments story or not is irrelevant the Ten Commandments has been governing your life for thousands of years. Governments have used this doctrine to govern people since its existence. The problem is that the entire story and actual commandments have been completely misunderstood. My understanding of these events, much like a Hollywood movie is based in reality but has been greatly exaggerated for dramatic effect.

The story goes like this; Moses (a great master) asked God ultimately his higher self.
“God, how will I know when we are close to you?” (Enlightenment)

God said “you will know that you are close to me (and ultimately in vibration alignment)

1) You feel like there is no other God besides me. – You will know that I am the only thing that exists.
2) You do not worship false idols. – You will not fall for religions that give you false paths to me, you will know the truth is with-in.
3) You do not take the Lords name in vein. – You will not curse the powers you have inside of you because you will be creating well.
4) You hold every day as Sacred – not just Sunday and holidays
5) You honor your Mother and Father – you will appreciate and respect your past and those that have come before you
6) You will not feel the impulse to murder – you will not wish to harm anyone
7) You will not feel the impulse to commit adultery – you will not break the individual covenants that you made with your fellow beings.
8) You will not feel the impulse to steal – because you know that you can have whatever you want anyway through your spirit.
9) You will not feel the impulse to lie – you realize there is no benefit of false creation
10) You will not feel the need to covet your neighbor’s wife – Create your own ideal family situation. Do not envy anyone. Admire and get ideas for your own life situation. So, you can create your own life preference.

Looking at these set of statements from an enlightened perspective it seems that the message was clear. Treat the virus and not the symptoms. Much in the same way those on the enlightened path are finding out to monitor your feelings and not your thoughts.
Your state of being births actions and not the other way around. If one can focus on the unity that is the truth of the universe, laws would be pointless because the desire to harm would not be there. The understanding of this universal unity (reveled via enlightenment) would not only be understood but would also be adopted into our psyches.

This understanding is a principle that will lead us into a new age of world peace and love; perhaps it is time to adopt a new mentality about the ills of society. All issues are truly a bi-product in the perceived separation from spirit and should not be confused with anything else. So, what can we do?

Those who are enlightened must remember that we can not change anyone’s mind. Changing ones mind is an extremely personal process capable only by the spirit in divine timing. So, we must focus our energy on encouraging the individual to look inside to find their higher self so that the spirit takes over their actions and love becomes their only motivation.
We will achieve world peace one person at a time and the tools we will use are love, compassion, kindness and patience. These are the virtues of a truly divine being and will serve as a great example to all potential enlightened hopefuls.

Joseph Anthony

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Universe with-in (Visualization)

All that is around you is actually in you, it is only the perception of separation that allows the life experience to take place. This truth has great purpose and it really helps those who wish to raise their conciseness to keep this truth in perspective. Your inner divine is the driving force to this reality and when we can summon forth this power we become great creators. So, if you will take some time silence the mind and take yourself on a journey of truth. Do not rush and take your time to feel your way through this.

Look around and take in everything that surrounds you. Then think about what is outside of the building that your physically in.
Think about what is
5 miles from you
50 miles from you
500 miles from you
and then eventually reach the entire circumference of planet earth.

Now, lets take it even further to the solar system,
the galaxy
and now the universe.

Picture the amazing universe and it's vastness nature. Now envision this boundless endless mass of beauty inside your physical body. Feel the power of holding all that "is" inside of you. Let the Love of all that is inside of you at this moment warm your sacred heart. How does that feel? Do you feel the power this visualization implies. The comfort of holding all that is in your beautiful and divine self. Do you feel the limitlessness of the universe the possibilities that now live inside of yourself.

This is a visualization but the truth behind this caries far beyond my words could relate. Now take that feeling and carry it through out this day and everyday (do this often). For you are truly magnificent!!!

Joseph Anthony

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Your Sacred Road - A blessing to you

The road that you travel is the correct one, it is the road that you were meant to be on. After all, it is the road that you have chosen. This is your way to the ultimate truth and is sacred from your perspective and should always remain that way.

To you my road may not be sacred but to me, it is an absolute blessing. We may not see each others road in it's full beauty because it is a personal gift from source. It is a true master that respects the beauty of an others road and blesses them along there personal journey with love and support.

The popular attitude of "my road is the only road", has started countless wars between religions, governments, families and neighbors. It is not only a non-enlightened view but it has no benifits to the self or mankind. This attitude is ultimately a tactic of control and as we all know the controller will never be free. We should all know by now that we are all connected on many levels and each of us is an extension of source and of ourselves. So, this attitude is more harmful to the self then it is to others. To truly be a healthy spiritual being is to know the divinity and the grand purpose of EVERYTHING.

To pretend to know the purpose behind an others action, thoughts or desires are not only arrogant but ignorant. It is a true master that knows he or she knows nothing. These arrogant actions are a symptom of the know it all ego and should be viewed as such to all that observe this action and should not only be taken with a grain of salt but be taken with an ocean of salt.

If you wish to be free act with freedom towards others, if you wish not to be judged then do not judge. This is a fundamental law of this great universe and is one of many reasons why so many are stuck in a spiritual stand still. You are creating with your thoughts and actions and ultimately those thoughts and actions are your vibrational points of attraction.

We are all beautiful and divine beings whom create their own world as we go. I do not know what your world is like but it is of great importance to me that I see the divinity in it. You are truly blessed as is the road you travel. Keep on that road no matter what anyone else tells you because the only truth comes from your inner spirit and only you can know what that inner truth is.

Joseph Anthony

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Everything is forged in the fire of Love

Every story has a protagonist and an antagonist. If you look across the pages of time there are always these two characters fixated in the plot. Of course, It is very easy to appreciated the hero and to find the love that lies in his or her heart. But it takes a truly connected being to see the love in the antithesis. It takes a special kind of being of love to sacrifice personal happiness to assist the happiness of others, no matter how disconnected you are.

When we decide to come into this physical plane of existence we understand the situation we are to fall into way before we manifest physical as a person. This being said the antagonist also knows this and chooses to live a life (or part of a life) of disconnection to help the others who need reminding through contrast. There are many examples of this in your life, and sometimes you play both aspects of this drama; in that case it is important that you make peace with yourself and set yourself free.

We are ALL cut from the same exact divine cloth and Love is the fire that forged each and every one of us. This is the ultimate truth of life, we are all connected in the deepest and most profound way imaginable. That being said true inner peace can not take place until you make peace with all the aspects of existence . The good and the bad, the up and the down. After all, it is all truly the same thing, Source. Nothing could be totally disconnect from source that is the only thing truly impossible because nothing can exist outside of source.

If it was not for the negative aspects of your life the desire of the positive would not be born. One day we will evolve where contrast will not be needed to set preference but until then, it is not only necessary but it has great and divine purpose. This Love though contrast is achieved by helping each other by whatever means it takes. As a matter of fact that is the Angelic motto "Whatever it takes".

Every person place or thing is an expression of the creators love for you. Even those we perceive as being bad are in fact an expression of source. These negative expressions push us to become better than we already are. This is what we are truly here for, to evolve as people, beings and spirits.

The negative aspects of life has great purpose to the grand scheme of it all and we need to make peace with this fact in our hearts and minds in order to truly be enlightened beings. To feel negatively about another is the same as feeling negatively about source and ultimately ourselves. You can not draw lines in the sand when we are ALL in the same boat whether everyone realizes it or not.

So, make peace with all aspects of this human experience. Bless them and show your appreciation for all of it. For if it was not for the these so called wrongs, you would not have realized your true divinity and the love source has for you. Be grateful, be thankful and Love EVERYTHING!!!

Joseph Anthony

Friday, June 5, 2009

Sacred Ancient Symbols (The how to guide)

There are many ancient and sacred symbols used in today's spirituality. All of them have vastly different purposes and different functions. Today's teaching is a crash course in some of the most basic and most helpful ancient symbols and how to use them;

The infinity symbol - Mostly used in meditation but can be used anywhere. In-vision your breath making this symbol across your body or any specific location that needs extra attention. You can make small infinity breath symbols in the area of the brain stem going in the direction of the medulla area of the brain, to helps re-unite the heart and sacred brain. It not only symbolizes the unending nature of our spiritual life. It is has also been said by archangel Michael to be a great tool in the Ascension process.
Seen Below:

The circle with a dot in the middle, the Plus sign , and The triangle - Use these three symbols for 5 minutes each during your meditation to bring balance to your creations. It is said using these symbols for 108 days will drastically improve your spiritual balance and creation efficiency. They symbolize will, love and power the combination needed for any good creator.
Seen Below:

The 72 names of God - Used in Kabbalah to symbolize the many names given to God. Each has a specific Angel attached to it and a specific purpose used for each name. It is said when used in a meditation they can produce great and powerful results for the pure of heart. The way to use these symbols is to choose the one you feel you need the most and hold it in your minds eye during meditation
Seen Below:

Of course absolutely none of these symbols have any power with out your sacred spirit in conjunction with your source granting it such power. They are simply helpful reminders of your true nature and NOT power itself. True power comes from with-in and only with-in. You are the power, you are the divine presence and these are simply some helpful tools for the journey. If you do not have perspective of your true inner divinity and the love that governs it. I do not suggest using any of these, because Power with out understanding will lead to confusion and frustration and will not produce the results you are striving for.

Your relationship and merger with source is the number one, two and three priority. This is what truly matters and at no point should be abandoned. Allow nothing to ever take precedence over that divine right. Be sure to keep this perspective while playing with the cosmic fire. This is exactly how human kind got in to trouble the last time, there is no reason to make the same mistake twice.

Joseph Anthony

About Me

I am an author and proud member of New Thought Movement Publishing’s family of authors. My latest book “15 days to a beautiful life" is out and doing well. My latest title and collaboration project from "Chicken soup for the soul illustrator Steve Barr will be out this fall. You can find my titles and other great new thought authors at: My latest social movement has connected me with many people who help me with the task of reminding people to look with-in for their true essence. If you’re looking to get involved with this program go to: I can be found on numerous websites and my writings can be seen in many publications. You can goto the source of those articles at my blog which is syndicated in various publications. Http:// You can find my latest main stream project at which is also being shopped for syndication at:
