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Monday, May 31, 2010

The Conclusion of the Ground Breaking Eyesight Experiment

As I burn the midnight oil on this beautiful day. I am writing to you from the tried and true home desktop. Which is very odd considering today is Memorial Day and I was outdoors for a good part of the day with my lap top on hand for a sudden burst of inspiration. Yet nothing came, funny how that works.
A watched pot never boils and inspiration is the same way. Inspiration being a deeply spiritual experience can never be predicted or controlled. Time is a concept that is given power by the beholder and the Universe is not into wrist watches .

As the day raps up and the sun starts to go down (as it usual does : p). I get into my usual Daddy mode and start packing the 3 Billion toys my son needs to take with him wherever he goes into my truck. Something caught my eye; it was the” new” New York City Yellow and Blue License Plates. Then that immediately got me to think how nice that classic style plate would look on a 69 Mustang or a 74 Vet (Just like anybody else would think).

Then I noticed it was a vanity plate and the sign being a New York plate said something about “shoving it somewhere “Yet this could not ruin the joy of that moment!

Because (Drum roll Please)

After 10 weeks of focusing in my mind’s eye on having good vision. I do!!!! ! I was able to read a license plate without use of my glasses, contact lenses, surgery or anything other than my mind and body to correct my vision. I am beyond impressed with this considering 10 weeks ago I could barely see the car. I have walked into many of them during this last 10 weeks, along with walls, beach chairs, basketballs, spider webs and mail boxes. Now, I have the last laugh on those moving mail boxes and meandering walls.

I can see and I could not be more grateful. Sure I was fumbling around for the first 3 weeks but it gradually got better, it was so gradual that I did not notice a sudden change. I am more than happy that this experiment was successful and the fact that it only took me 10 weeks to get completely off of glasses, is amazing to me.

Truth be told, my vision is great and I can be comfortable seeing at the level I am seeing now but I want my eyesight to be the best it can be, so I will keep focusing on health and be sure not to take for granted the things we don’t focus on like eye sight ever again. I also I want everything and everyone to be the best they can be that is why I write to you here tonight and I will continue to write to you for many, many years to come. I am only 31 and my best days are ahead of me so stay tuned for the next 100 years for my blogs, books, and videos. We will always be improving and I will always be searching that how for myself and then work tirelessly on mastering that how until I can relay it to you. I am very Blessed and so are you. Thank you all for your Love and Support now and for the next 100 years.

Joseph Anthony

15 days to a beautiful life is available now and is now officially re-released. Available on Amazon or Http://

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Metaphysical Sports

I make no apology about the fact that I am a sports nut. You name it I love it,
World Cup to the World Series, it doesn't matter to me. I Love it all, I grew up in NYC, and all we had was sports to play. So that's what we did and had a great time doing it. Obviously, growing up in Brooklyn I was a huge Knicks, Giant's and Yankee's fan. Although, I often wonder how that would be different if the Dodgers stayed in Brooklyn being I grew up a stones through away from where Ebbet's Field once stood.

My sport's roots go way back. I have even been known to write sports articles from time to time. My passion for sports also runs deep having been an athlete my entire life, be it Bodybuilding, Power Lifting, Semi-pro Football or the uncountable number of pick up games I have participated in.

Needless to say, I am more than qualified to speak about sports. Before I get any e-mails about what I just said, I am going to address it now :) ; It may seem odd to some that a metaphysical/philosophical writer would be into (Comic Books, Video Games, Sports etc...).

To those, I would say that if you can not see the beauty in everything including that which you may not understand that would be why you do not understand. Just because I may not particularly like something, it doesn't mean that I can not appreciate that other people do or that I might learn to appreciate it one day. We must respect everyone personal opinions and what they enjoy.

The other point and this point not only speaks from my personal perspective but the perspective of many of my generation. It has become the time for my generation to come up and make our presence known as leaders of philosophy, science, industry and most importantly THOUGHT! We are the generation up at bat now and we must be aware of this fact, so we can enjoy our world. Like Gandhi said be the change you wish to see in the world. We are being that change and because you snowboard or play Madden does not disqualify you as a being.

It is time to find out who we really are as a generation and embrace the now. The now that we are in control of by being a living, thinking being of innovation. There is no age requirements to be a philosopher, is there!?! After all some of our best philosophers were under the age of 30 when they did there best work. Nor is there an age restriction to think the next thought that leads to an invention which helps humanity. Of course not, some of our greatest inventors started inventing as children. It's all about what you believe is possible!

That being said, there is much spirituality in sports. Napoleon Hill once said that
"To know a man study him while he is winning and while he is loosing".

Having studied pretty much everything Napoleon Hill has ever written I can tell you he was not referring to a scientific case study. He was referring to the man of the self. Your inner self! The only person he has said you can study.

It is been 102 years since cubs fans have celebrated a world series. The Cubs fan's get an opportunity to learn the talent of hopeful optimism and unconditional Love. Which is what the Cub fans I have known has exuded when talking about their team. When they win it one day and they will it will be the sweetest victory for them and they deserve it. I wish them well and I am always happy for the winner because I enjoy the game. I know what you are all saying that's easy for a Yankee fan to say, you just won it last year. This is true but I am also a Knicks fan; need I say more. Labron 2011?

Look for the beauty in everything and respect each others personal opinion and path. People are not meant to walk or think in uniformity. The combination of thoughts and the respect of individual perspectives can cross all racial and religious divides and teach the respect for the unity of life.

If anyone is like me and had the privilege of growing up in a multi-cultural neighborhood. You know it can be the most enriching experience anyone can imagine. That does not happen if you decide to lock yourself away from the world and bury yourself in your own culture.

There are many wonderful things that can happen to you if you let them happen. Many places to go, people to see, foods to eat and culture to enjoy. Borders are imaginary and at best are as real as the cheesy map it's printed on. Classification is a form of reference personalized with names to draw emotion and induce memory. Although, if you break it down to the fabric of what all of it truly is you will find out; it is all the same essence the same being.

Joseph Anthony

As always I ask that you look-inside of yourself and see if these words are true.
Meditate and look-inside.

15 days to a beautiful life is available now and is now officially re-released. Available on amazon or Http://

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Breaking News: Quantum Physic's is Officially Cool

There are many among us who have a secret obsession. An Obsessions, so Dorky that even those of us who visit comic con, would be embarrassed to say would be hard fought to admit it. That's right I am talking about the very nerdy world of Quantum Physics. But we have great news, the days of being an uncool topic adorned on the same level as pez collections and stamp enthusiasts are no more.

Truth be told, I love Quantum Physics. I have been obsessed with quantum physics ever since I learned about it at the age of 13. I think everyone who decides to go down to this quantum world changes forever his relationship to this world. To me, It is still mind blowing to say the least.

A few years after allowing these theories to really sink in. After, I obtained a level of basic understanding, I had a very hard time grasping the concept of reality and truth be told I have never been the same since and I am so grateful for that. What I am saying is that; this is not for everyone but I am grateful to know that I am not alone in the quest for a better spiritual understanding through quantum theory because the two go hand and hand.

Just an interesting side note* Newton who was so famous for his theories of the physical world. Had knowledge that there may not actually be a physical world to live in. If the techniques he used to comprise his theories and understanding of the physical world work and they obviously did. There would be a strong possibility that physical reality is not what we perceive it to be.

There is evidence of this by newtons translation of the emerald tablet. Which is a highly controversial ancient tablet, said to be thousands of years old with the first mention of the law of attraction and many other universal laws which have become so popular today. It actually has been translated by some very well known people throughout history and I will leave you to draw your own conclusions on these things because everything is not for every one's path. A path is personal and mandatory standards do not apply.

Getting back to the reality of Quantum Physics; the reason why I am on a quantum physics high right now is because today the use of quantum energy as everyday electricity is a probability. Not from a philosophical sense because that would be true of everyday but from a scientific figuring out how to do this sense, this is now a reality.

For about 8 years now scientists have been studying data on matter and anti-matter, and discovered that when these particles collide they do not wipe each other out as previously thought. Matter wins the battle over anti-matter and there is always a little left over matter, making this energy safe and usable. So i guess Yoda was right when he said the light side of the force was stronger. :)

Another interesting side note. Joseph Campbell a well respected professor and new age teacher was consulted on the making of the star wars trilogy (the original of course).

There is no need to express why this is a wonderful thing but I may need to express why this is important to you personally. I always tell people to believe in themselves look inside and find your own answers. This is very important because quantum physics suggests, that nothing exists unless something is observing it. This may seem confusing but the evidence points to the observer as the creator of it's own reality.

If you have ever seen or read "what the bleep" they explain an experiment where the brain was opened to see what happens when nerve endings are stimulated. They found that activity in the brain came before the finger's nerve was stimulated. The explanation they gave was that the mind somehow creates this event. Making quantum physics the study of you and how you work your magic.

So, is quantum physics cool now. Well if not then at least it can keep you cool in the summer now ... :P

Thank you all for reading today,
Joseph Anthony

15 days to a beautiful life is available now and will be officially re-released soon. Available on amazon or Http://

Take comfort in knowing that you have total control over your own decisions. You can choose to be happy no matter what, you can choose anything you wish. You just can't choose for others. Respect every ones own personal path and I wish for all of you to take that path, just be sure there are no footsteps in the path ahead of you. A wonderful being like you deserves to walk on a clean ground.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

An Angel once told me … Cry tears of Joy and make the world a better place

Under normal circumstances I never speak about dreams, visions, angels (in a physical sense) or anything remotely mystical. Reason Being; I do not claim to know much about these subjects and I am sure my readers could educate me more on this subject then I.

I always go to a Metaphysical/ Philosophical route first because I have spent 18 years of my last 31 years studying these topics and this is where I am most comfortable. If someone else can take an entirely different approach, then I am confident enough in my knowledge to know that there are many truths. Truth comes in many sizes, shapes and colors and cannot be graded because everything is unique for what it is.

I cannot explain nor express anyone else’s truth because I cannot search inside of anyone else and discover them. The journey is personal and can be lived only in the first person. We cannot know if we create these experiences in this vastness of physical illusion or if our own personal universes flow through this space time continuum and creates experiences and from a new broader perspectives. In order to figure out what existence is.

This is a miraculous, spectacular place to be privileged enough to experience from any perspective. From where you are to where you want to go is only one thought away! The boundaries are set up by your beliefs, and you always have the power to decide what to believe. You hold the greatest power in the universe in your hand; the power to choose.

Before I go on a Metaphysical rant, let me get back to the subject of the essay’s title. An Angel once told me; I have had a few dreams involving Angels, chit chatting with me. I have no clue what to make of these things, so I put a spin on it that makes it most comfortable and feels right for me. I believe all events especially those of a super natural theme is an expression of consciousness or the consciousness of all parties involved. I believe this because quantum physics, physical science, metaphysics, ancient texts and personal experience have given me enough evidence to believe so.

Whenever I have a dream like this, someone is usually telling me something super useful. This time, something stood out to me. It happened somewhere in between my meditation and sleep transition that I do every night, so there is no way of me knowing if this was a dream or not and I can only leave it up to your interpretation as it relates to you;

“I was lying in bed with my son and my wife and the sun was shining behind their faces and everyone was resting peacefully. I found myself crying tears of great joy and love as I felt a blissful feeling of warm energy. I felt my sacrum (orange) chakra open with a cool breeze that tingled. I then heard a woman who identified herself as Angel explain to me that when we cry tears of joy; We put drops of pure love into water form, this is how we make our world a better place by circulating these sentiments of pure love. “

Joseph Anthony

Joseph Anthony is the author of "15 days to a beautiful life" and a member of the New Thought Movement Publishing Family.

15 days to a beautiful life is available now and will be officially re-released soon. Available on amazon or Http://

Thursday, May 6, 2010

New Age BullShit

There is way too much Bull Shit in this New Age Movement. Many claiming to be or see the path only in order to receive fame and fortune. Those who watch "The Secret" or read the thousands of books out there designed to help you learn how to use the "Law of Attraction". This excludes quantum physics because proven science is not philosophical, it is physical proof.

While there is nothing wrong with this practice and it can be helpful when it goes through the proper channels. The message is often received incomplete for many reasons. Some new authors put their full faith into a specific book; and usually do not understand the universal laws in-which govern these techniques at this point. They become empowered by the spirit of possibility that they start shouting what they know from their rooftops. Even if the teacher has a great understanding, it gets lost in translation.

This is no bodies fault (the intentions are good), that is just how it is when the "Free Will Universal Law" was put into play. This is why judgement can not be held by a master right an attitude of non-interference. No matter what goes on you can not change any ones mind and if you manage to do so it is going to leave them confused and incomplete. That does not serve either of you.

I am not arguing the legitimacy of anyone or anything, I am requesting that whenever you read these articles you check the fundamentals in which they speak with your inner self, and see if it serves you or not. Certain things may not be helpful for your situation and that's fine, your truth may be confirmed in the Bible or Deepak Chopra's latest book. It's all good, no matter what anyone else thinks, if it feels good to you, your correct. Who Am I to argue with your spirit, a teacher who has reached enlightenment knows this.

If an author is a missionary of himself then he is reflecting his own image, but if he is a missionary of your own spirit then he is your creation and is a reflection of your own spirit and it's inner truth. This is true of all things allow your desire to manifest your information. Focus and meditate on questions, pay attention to your feelings and see what it tells you about what you want to know.

It is obvious many authors are coming up the ranks with a similar story and a true master must be responsible with-in the confines of the laws in which they have an understand. Do not produce copies of other peoples understandings, a copy always gets slightly faded during reproduction. After all this happened 2000 years ago. The only being you can learn from is your inner-self, you can not copy someone Else's understanding. Understanding comes from with-in and can only be relayed personally, if your willing to open up to the unknown, face all your fears and accept who you really are, you will know and have everything you ever wanted. There are no short cuts!

To me and most of you none of this is ground breaking, we have been here and done that. I am asking you to imagine what is beyond this, what else we can do. I will never say I know all your answers but I can tell you who does. Your inner self, and that's who is important in your universe. I am not arguing for anyone other then your spirit. Do not believe me, ask it. This is where your reality comes from, your observer.

Sit still and pay attention to the person who is observing you. Who is that? That's the answer to all your questions. Meditate on this, see your truth. Look Inside!

Empower the message with-in yourself. You can learn the name of your creator if you dare to ask it. It is not the answer you may be what you are expecting but it does not change it's truth. As someone who is entirely self-educated (from the 9Th grade) and has had so much success in my life. I tell you, no one can teach you, what you can teach you.

I can credit no one but my inner self with the information I am blessed enough to know and I can credit nothing else but my knowledge of Universal Law and the creation process for all the successes I have had in my life. There is nothing sweeter than creating something in your minds eye and see it manifest into physical reality. I had one of those "WOW" moments the other day.

I am coming to you with a fresh new perspective on Metaphysics. Once something reaches physical reality it is no longer a NEW CREATION and is hence copied and made inferior there after. Look forward into new endeavours and new thoughts, new levels of inner peace. This is what we should be doing and no amount of books can be written to do this, look with-in and let the book you read be the reflection of your inner truth. The only person who is going to pull out your inner Divine is you.

All the enlightened beings that have graced this planet, all had to walk with-in and do just that. Their level of consciousness was so high that most of them are still relevant thousands of years after their death. Those are teachers who had enough knowledge to say without saying and lead without trespassing on free will.

As you may or may not know, there is an authors contest; which for a little while I was in it. I later with drew from the contest, if you back date my blog you can see this timeline. I thought at first it was a cute idea and I counseled with my agent and she was all for it so I submitted my work, and why not. I looked at it as a good way to get my work out there. The truth is; You can buy my book or not, I am still going to remind you to look in-ward; even if it means giving you free information. Even if it is something to relate to in a personal way or talk to you on a personal level. My only motivation is for you to be doing what you were put here to do, CREATE AND BE HAPPY!!!

BE the best you can be in mind, body and spirit and accept no less from your Divine Self. Set preference and focus on what you want, these are the tried, tested and true tools used by the enlightened. It is like giving a carpenter a hammer, if he was not a carpenter he may not know how to use it. Become a master at your craft, then use your tools by that time. You may look at things a bit differently.

If you are wondering why I withdrew from the contest. I was hearing a ton of crazy stories about what the authors in the contest were doing to get votes. I will not go into the details of what they did because it is not necessary to do the job of the inner spirit. This is not my way, as 311 says I like to "come original". What I will tell you is that I received a ton of great advice from friends and family about this contest and all of them helpful. I learned who had my best interests at heart and who did not and Thank you; All my FB, Gather buddies, Jason and the others at for all your wonderful loving words of support. Thank you my friends, I can not thank you enough.

After the whole contest incident, I did what any author does, Go on Vacation! I reflected and gave myself time to think. I have a few friends in the contest who are really wonderful people, and would deserve an opportunity like this. I am going to see the best in each and every author and have faith that all who did not do the right thing; I know they will realizes it does not serve a master to be anything less than honest. One of the most basic universal laws; is the laws of vibrational alignment (the Law of Attraction) a positive vibration and negative vibration can not co-exist. High Vibrations only thrive in an unrestricted enjoyment of positive energy. This is why it is so important to trust only your inner self.

I wish to leave those who wish to use negative tactics in this contest with this not so famous Napoleon Hill quote, which they obviously do not know;

"Do not compromise with your own conscience because it will not be long before you have no conscience at all. It will fail to guide you, just as an alarm clock will fail to awaken you, if fail to heed it."

As for me, In case you haven't noticed. I always do things my own way. I felt entering the contest was the right decision and I felt that leaving was right as well. Everything always works out with a sprinkling of magic and better than expected for me. So, I am sure there is great purpose for all this. I am grateful for where I am and if I have helped even one reader look with-in and re-unite with their inner/higher self then, I am greatly successful as an author.

Joseph Anthony

Joseph Anthony is the author of "15 days to a beautiful life" and a member of the New Thought Movement Publishing Family.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Generation "I am"

I always felt that Art and Life mirrored each other, I feel that way about the chicken and the egg too but that’s a story for another day. So, I sat back and caught myself listening to the anthems of my youth, trying to put together a sense of my earlier years and the feeling of my generation.

I have heard my generation called many things, Indigo, Crystalline, Rainbow children, connected children. No matter what you want to call your generation; no one should ever get caught up on titles. We should all call ourselves the generation “I am” because whatever we choose to put after the “I am” is what we choose to be.

This is going back to the fundamental principle for peace; respecting each other’s personal path and do not trespass on ones thoughts. Even labeling a group a title can effect the conditioning of ones Psyche. This can be misconstrued by many to be an attack on teachers but it is not. A good teacher teaches you the answer and a great teacher teaches you how to find the answer on your own.

What is your “I Am”? If you haven’t asked this question of yourself in a while perhaps today would be a good day to do so. I try to keep my essay’s personal because I do not believe anyone one can teach anyone how to reach their goal. All we do is can offer helpful reminders and explain what we went through to get to this point, but no there is no one way. It could never be for life would cease to have purpose if that was true. In a metaphysical sense, growth is maximized when expanding in all directions at once.

There will come a day where everyone respects each others own personal journey to the "I am" and learn not to interfere with it. Many know how to respect the individual boundaries and create to their full potential and the others have their purpose as well. No life lacks the touch of the divine, understanding and compassion for all individuals who do not create well. We must invision them doing their best, so if one day they choose to choose a better life. They have the help of your kind thoughts waiting to help them along.

Joseph Anthony

In case you were wondering what my “I am”, well, you’re going to have to wait and see…

Joseph Anthony is the author of "15 days to a beautiful life" and a member of the New Thought Movement Publishing Family.

About Me

I am an author and proud member of New Thought Movement Publishing’s family of authors. My latest book “15 days to a beautiful life" is out and doing well. My latest title and collaboration project from "Chicken soup for the soul illustrator Steve Barr will be out this fall. You can find my titles and other great new thought authors at: My latest social movement has connected me with many people who help me with the task of reminding people to look with-in for their true essence. If you’re looking to get involved with this program go to: I can be found on numerous websites and my writings can be seen in many publications. You can goto the source of those articles at my blog which is syndicated in various publications. Http:// You can find my latest main stream project at which is also being shopped for syndication at:
