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Friday, May 29, 2009

The blessing of the 5th dimension bell (The 3am call)

All of us on the spiritual path has been there being awakened at the 3AM hour for no apparent reason. You are usually wide awake and feel like something is calling you, but what is it? Is it the voice of your inner spirit waking you to let you know something? Is it you new time paradigm setting in and resetting your internal clock? Is it the call of your source telling you to come home to the kingdom of peace? The answer to all of these questions is yes but how?

It has come to my attention that there is a vibrational pulse that follows the 3am time line and sweeps across the planet like a wave of light on a consistent basis. The higher you raise your vibration to the 5Th dimension the better you will feel the call of love.

The first time I heard it fully, it was like a bell ringing so loudly that it vibrated my entire being for a few minutes. It is very startling to the ego and your first thought may be fear or confusion, but do not let the ego get you off track to the beauty of this event. You will wake up feeling clear and connected.

It is my understanding that this vibrational event breaks up all the lower vibrations that attach to your being for whatever reason. Its almost like a cleaning system, meant for all those on the spiritual path to the 5Th dimensional consciousness. It is like a little extra help and a true blessing from source. Although like everything else you must invite this into your experience.

In case you haven't grasped that the spirit realm works of frequency and vibration it helps to focus on raising your vibration via your emotions. This is truly what will be your best tool in this human experience called life. Cherish your vibration and strive to do nothing but raise your bar of Joy. This will lead to the full integration of your 5Th dimensional self.

The mystery seems to be getting more mysterious and I am not going to pretend that I know all there is to know about this event. I am only relaying what is my understanding about it. This is far more complex than any of us can fully understand from this perspective. Although it is necessary to raise your vibration to hear this blessing of the bells fully. My advice is to look inside ask your inner spirit for help on this subject and ask to hear this bell more clearly. Then work on being a vibrational match to this 5Th dimension of Love.

Joseph Anthony

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The truth is with-in You

Sit quietly, take a deep breath and feel who is saying the words that flow into your existence right now. Know that the highest aspects of yourself will be present at this moment right here, right now. For this message will ring lauder than a sonic boom to your being. This will be the moment that the path way of Love will illuminate to reveal to you the ultimate truth.

Set aside all the semantics of what was and feel the truth of what IS. It is in this ever important time of NOW that you will find your destiny and purpose. It is easy to get distracted from the truth when there are so many sides pulling you in so many directions. Do not fight the pulling of opposing sides, it is only an illusion used to keep your consciousness living in false realities.

Do not choose a group or organization that makes the most sense and is most convenient to your life style. As a matter of fact do not choose any group at all, choose to believe in the only voice that knows who you truly are. The voice of your inner spirit, the direct extension of your Source, your Creator, your true God. There is no other truth besides the one spoken by your inner spirit. All the answers to all the questions you have ever had are found in your inner spirit.

You must walk the path of the self to see the divinity that has always been there. Direct all questions to the inner spirit and accept only the answers from the inner spirit. Your spirit has been here from the very beginning and there is nothing it does not know. Know that your spirit is there for you at all times and is ecstatic with the opportunity to communicate with you.
Your Spirit will communicate with you in many personal ways but the one consistent for all humans are the gift of emotions. Count on your emotions to always be true. They are your direct communication with your spirit. They will guide you through any situation, it is up to you to listen and act accordingly. When you listen to your feelings you will find all good feeling paths lead to happiness and peace.

Empower yourself at this very moment by taking the journey with-in and communicating with your inner spirit to find all truth's. Forget about those who did not serve love in the past, because they have no power in the now and by giving thought to them, neither will you. Live your life as if the moment you are in is the only moment that has ever existed. Find your days striving for one thing and one thing only, deep connection with your inner spirit. It does not matter the road you take to this promised land of the inner divine, it only matters that you intend on getting there.

Joseph Anthony

I will ask all my readers to pass this message along to anyone with a beating heart to hear it. Copy, paste or post this is message in any way you wish, it is very important for all who need this message to hear this message. Peace and Love to all!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Power and Love of creation

There is an amazing level of bliss that one experiences during an effective creation segment. The power that flows from a creator to its creation is unmistakable. The breath of life a creator puts into its thoughts is nothing short of an indescribable miracle. It is in this feeling that the power of creation is evident and unstoppable.

When someone has created effectively there is no question to what the outcome of that creation segment will be. Confidence and appreciation oozes out of your pours at every level imaginable. You realize your creation hierarchy and take your rightful place as creator of your own domain. You feel the connection to your creator knowing it is only by the ultimate divine hand that you are endowed with this power, and at that moment you know with out a shadow of a doubt that you are one with source.

Each thought should be nurtured and treated as a living and breathing being. After all you are the creator of these living thoughts. Take a lesson from your creator, living things take time to get it right, be patient with them. Give your thoughts the love and support a loving parent would give a child trying to walk for the first time.

These thoughts are your children, much in the same way that we are children of source. These life cycles are becoming more and more evident. Your creations are an extension of yourself and you are an extension of source. Everything is connected in the deepest way imaginable, so we must respect and understand this system in order to become effective creators.

Why not start today,while you are in your creation segment. Take this perspective in with you, feel the power of your intent and the love a creator has for a new born creation. Of course that is assuming you create daily. You DO create daily, right?

Joseph Anthony

I assume most of my readers know this but in case you don't know a Creation segment is a time set aside where you purposely create your desires. There are many methods for doing this but they all involve holding and living these desires in your minds eye for about 15 minutes or so. If you are not doing this yet, I can not stress the importance of this exercise daily. Create responsibly!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The time is NOW !!!

You have walked the walk for a while now, staying faithful to the being that you truly are. Sure your mind has strayed from time to time into negativity, but you used it only to help springboard yourself into new desires. You hold true to your daily focusing for the purposes of creation and manifestation. Yet still no great results to speak of. Why?
I am sure you have heard of the art of allowing, or living in the gaps as the final step in creation. It is the hardest step and the biggest reason why there are not many fruits to your labor. These terms, although rooted in the spiritual are actually about the way you perceive your life experience. This mind set is accompanied by an overwhelming feeling of appreciation and holds great power in the achievement of creation.

You can achieve this state of being easily if the will to do so is there. The first thing you must do (just like anything) is intend it, set it as a goal in order to make it known to the internal processes. This will immediately help you rewire your outlook. After all, this is really what the art of allowing is all about, your mind set.

The outlook you are aiming for is best put as, living in the NOW. You must savor every moment like fine wine. Your mind, body and soul must be active inside each specific moment in order to summon the power of manifestation.

Lets take this moment right NOW and start this process. Are you feeling all the blessings you are currently living in? Do you appreciate the air as it goes into your lungs at this very moment? Are you seeing the gift of eye sight? Are you feeling your connection to your source and bathing in the feeling? Can you rattle off 100 reasons why your happy right now? If any answer to these questions are not an overwhelming and immediate yes. You are not in the correct time paradigm to create.

Appreciate everything and take it all in. Its not possible to do if your not right here, right now in every sense of the word. This is the state of being that will make way for those blessings you have focused on for so long. This state of being also known as the present time paradigm is the way to your divine power. The time is NOW!!! Start living in the abundant, joyous life you have been dreaming about for so long. It has always been there for you, patiently waiting for you to allow it into your life experience.

Joseph Anthony

About Me

I am an author and proud member of New Thought Movement Publishing’s family of authors. My latest book “15 days to a beautiful life" is out and doing well. My latest title and collaboration project from "Chicken soup for the soul illustrator Steve Barr will be out this fall. You can find my titles and other great new thought authors at: My latest social movement has connected me with many people who help me with the task of reminding people to look with-in for their true essence. If you’re looking to get involved with this program go to: I can be found on numerous websites and my writings can be seen in many publications. You can goto the source of those articles at my blog which is syndicated in various publications. Http:// You can find my latest main stream project at which is also being shopped for syndication at:
