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Monday, March 30, 2009

The Proof of Spirituality

Most people who lead a spiritual life have no idea that the scientific community has been backing their claims since 1932. This scientific community calls this quantum physics and it has lead to many major technological breakthroughs. This science is the in depth study of the sub atomic world, otherwise known as the building blocks of everything that exists.

There are two major discovers of Quantum Physics that should interest you;

1) When NOT observed, matter turns into waves of possibility and only when observed turns into form. Which means that unless some one is looking at something it is NOT there. Only the potential for something to be there actually exists when not being observed.

What this means to you...
This means that reality is made by the one who is perceiving it. Making it an absolute fact that you can change your reality. Some call this the "law of attraction" but I call it "the way it is".

2) A thought can physically change the composition of matter. They have proven this by taking water samples from the same source and sending it good thoughts and bad thoughts. Then they observed it under a microscope and the results were absolutely indisputable. The water crystals physically changed according to the corresponding sentiment.
What this means to you...
If you have ill wishes for anything with-in the realm of your control (your body, our earth, house, car etc..). You will cause it to physically change depending on what thoughts you send towards it.

Quantum physics has proven that we are in control of our own destiny, and everything involved in our daily experience. Making the spirit the undisputed champion of reality. The truth is that with enough mental force anything can and will happen. Nothing is imposable and is only limited to our imaginations. We have the control of what happens at every moment and always will.

For those who did not know of this science. I highly suggest you learn more about Quantum Physics it will only enhance your spiritual quest. This is an extremely important and overlooked aspect of enlightenment. The theories only give you more confidence during your creation process.

Now, I know that all of you have a great vision of what you want your reality to be. I look forward to seeing what you guys and gals come up with. So, I will not impose my opinions on this matter. But, I am going to make some suggestions of places to send some love;

- Mother Earth, nature and all its creatures

- The Oceans and all that inhabits it

- All that lives and all that exists

- and of course Your Source :)

I send much love to you, Thank You
Joseph Anthony

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Journey to God

Beautiful soul, you have walked many miles with Gods radiating light in your eyes. You have ran towards this light in the hopes that you can view a glimpse of your maker. You can feel the warmth of her rays providing you with love and assurance. You try and try again to view this light, but every time you look directly at this light your eyes are not able to handle it's beauty. So you keep your head down and concentrate on its rays of encouragement and love.

This burning desire to be in the presence of your creator becomes a passion like no other. It seems to be what wakes you and what puts you to bed. It becomes your purpose in life and nothing else even matters. All you wish for is a deep connected feeling with God and God tells you that this is her will as well.

So the chase continues you run and run with your head down. Asking God; what you are doing wrong? and why you can not see her? Then it dawns on you, you have spent years running for no reason. You have made this a chase when it was only an embrace.

God was there the entire time, watching you run. Trying to force your eyes closed with beautiful light, so that you would look inside. Giving you rays of encouragement to remind you of her love and so you don't feel abandoned. Through out this entire journey She has been trying to tell you that; She is here with you, in you and appearing as you.

Joseph Anthony

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Let your spirit be free to evolve

No matter how advanced you are in your spiritual journey. You will always have questions about yourself and your amazing source. It seems that the more questions that are answered the more questions it brings along with it. The constant chasing of knowledge, wisdom and progression is the reason for evolution.

Even when we integrate the facts of our true divinity it still does not satisfy our quest for answers. We can achieve the highest level of consciousness imaginable and we will still have a great thirst for more. There is no ending to progression because ends are not possible in this ever changing universe.

This personal expansion in turn expands the consciousness of all that you are connected to (everyone). Then the universal expansion of this dimension, expands all the other dimensions and ultimately expands that which we call source. Although this is not a one way street and what happens in the higher aspects of these dimensions also greatly effect you, but that's a lesson for another time.

We are constantly pushing the threshold of our selves. We must do this in every aspect of ourselves and accept no boundaries. There are no limits in Gods kingdom, which is where we live and operate (in case you didn't know). Take these self made boundaries and shatter them immediately. Now is not the time for half-assed evolution! We must go into this new age with the full power of the spirit. Stop trying to control something that does not wish to be controlled. Let your spirit run free, just point it in the direction of your desire.

Joseph Anthony

Sunday, March 22, 2009

You have the power !!!

Most people when they first embark on this road to enlightenment ask themselves all sorts of great questions. The most popular one is; Why do bad things happen? The answer is never an easy pill to swallow. Your own thoughts created bad experiences in your own life. The sum of all people's thoughts in turn shaped the world we live in today.

Most people spend a tremendous amount of time pointing fingers at all sorts of things, ranging from governments to mysterious forces. That train of thought will always dilute your ability to master your own destiny. This blame game is admitting that you had no part in creating your own life. So, intern you disarm yourself from creating anything. You do not have the fundamental basis of new age teachings, if you think that only good things are your doing.

A huge step in spiritual freedom is to admit where you have not created well. This is pivotal to take charge of the things you will create from here on in. It is not about blaming yourself because at the time of the bad manifestation, you were unaware of these truth's. This is about taking responsibility for all creations in your life wherever they happened to pop up.

How does anyone expect to learn to be a good at anything without making some mistakes? We need to cut ourselves some slack. Bad experiences led you right here to be the divine person you are today. Those steps were absolutely necessary in your own personal evolution. So take credit for enduring such hardships because they were all part of your divine plan. Acknowledge and accept your power, because you and only you have control of your own life.

Joseph Anthony

Friday, March 20, 2009

Take your Divine power

Divine Power is a gift that we all have inside of us and more and more of us are becoming aware of this fact. This power is inherent and can not be removed from our being. This is the same power that is called the great I AM in many texts.

It has been hidden for so long because your ego tries to steal this power and use it for its own devices. It uses intimidation and lies to fool the spirit into thinking it is powerless. The ego has held the spirit captive for many years making it's horrific job go seemingly unnoticed. The problem the ego ran into was the fact that only pure love can command this great power. So, it attempted to deceive you and keep the truth away from you as long as it could. It obviously lost because many of us know and have become very good at letting our inner beauty rise to the surface.

Once the spirit started to become aware of itself, it wasn't even close. The ego revealed itself as a week, powerless, and easily influenced mirage of the mind. At the same time the spirit revealed itself as infinite, beautiful, loving, powerful, limitless and the only thing that is real.

Although, the ego had a great purpose and should be thanked for its deception because it has lead humanity to a major upgrade. It is time to see the ego for what it truly is; an illusion of nonsense, filled with other peoples opinions. This is the ultimate example of creating by default. We listened way to much to others that did not have our best interests at heart, because they were speaking from the ego as well.

The time has come for the spirit to take its rightful place on the thrown of mankind. Embrace your power and take your seat as the master of your own destiny. Let the solstice of spring be the day you remember who you truly are. The Divine and beautiful creation of God, a spiritual being having a human experience!!!

Ask yourself what is the highest form of self you can imagine? With the spirit in charge there is NOTHING you can't do, NOTHING you can't become, NOTHING you can't have. You are limitless and eternal. Have fun with this new era because you deserve it. Feel the power from deep inside of you and use it to the best of your ability. This power is a gift from your amazing creator with the deepest of love forming the card that goes along with it.

Joseph Anthony

Thursday, March 19, 2009

March 20th Equinox

I am sure you have heard much about the march 20th equinox if you are on your path to enlightenment. The date tomorrow seems to have almost all experts of the spiritual arts, believing that special blessings and love will come from our great source. The reason so many believe in the solstices, dates back before history was recorded. Seemingly all cultures knew the power of this cosmic alignment.

This one seems to be different because of the overwhelming spiritual movement. Many, Many people have asked for a great change. All signs point to tomorrow being that turbo charged change that we have asked for.

I do believe these blessing coming each and every day. I also believe tomorrow is a day of special blessings as well. I think all those who have not been able to get over that spiritual hump , will be given an upgrade tomorrow. I also believe those advanced students will be upgraded in ways that they can not begin to imagine.

I base my opinion like I always do by asking my spirit. My spirit has overwhelmingly told me tomorrow is the day. I almost feel as if I have been asked to wait to unleash myself on the world. My spirit has been ready for a long, long time. Its the rest of the world that needed to catch up and finally they will. Many people also feel this way, that is why we all are celebrating this day of spiritual uplifting and understanding. Many people feel the intensity of this power already. This is a great time in human existence!

What we all should be doing right now is thanking our beautiful universe for what is to come and focusing even harder on what we want to become tomorrow. Picture yourself in the highest form of self you can imagine and don't forget to picture this earth in a position of world peace.

Joseph Anthony

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Flow of Evolution

Special people or people of higher consciousness seem to be rising up all over the place. This is because the entire consciousness of human beings as a whole is raising. This is a very exciting time for the planet because evolution is more evident now than ever.

So, why isn't every body raising up? This is because some people chose to resist this change and try to swim upstream. The river's flow will inevitably take them in one way or another. This is all about trusting in your higher power. Knowing that whatever happens, happens for a reason, a divine reason. People have lost their faith in their higher power because they have been taught the wrong concept of God. They have been taught their maker is a tyrant rather than a beautiful supporter and parent that God is.

When you stop and think about what life is really about, using your own opinions. You will start to find the love and support that the universe has for you. Making everyday sacred, not just Sundays and holidays. Embrace change and love the fact that you are here in this wonderful time of evolution.

Joseph Anthony

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Ulitmate Love - Your Love

Love yourself in the deepest sense of the word. Love the person who's name they call when the address you. Love the spirit that blesses you with life. Love the earth that you live on, who grants your home to live in. Love the true nature of yourself. Love everything there is because it is all a part of you.

When we learn to embrace this Love, we will feel fulfilled and at peace. It's time to embrace the fact that everything is love. The very reason why we are on this planet is Love. All our actions should exude LOVE based on the fact that this is our true nature.

This world is full of confused people and this confusion will be the way that they find there way to the truth. This does not need to be the path for you. You can choose a path of Love and peace to achieve divine love. Some call this enlightenment, but whatever you wish to call it, this is the way of the Universe

Joseph Anthony

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

Universal Connection - We are all One

There is no way to separate ourselves from everyone else because we are all the same. In the deepest most spiritual sense of the word we are connected. We are all made up of the same life force which we call source or God. This unavoidable fact makes us all connected because what makes us "be" is the same exact power for each and every one of us.

The best analogy for this would be; a huge power generator which lends power to all things to give them uses. If a toaster isn't plugged in, it is not a toaster. It's just a funny looking thing that takes up room on your counter.

The same goes for us, when our power source is cut, the body is useless and lifeless. We are way more complex than a toaster but this is a great way to look at your life right now as an appliance. :) Much like appliances, we are all very different and have very different uses. With out energy we are nothing but an object.
We all must understand whatever body we inhabit for a hundred years or so is nothing more than a vehicle that houses the spirit. So this connection can not be broken or we would not exist. When people truly understand this, they immediately feel connected to all people as they should. Then they seem to do the right thing for themselves and for humanity because they realize there is no difference between the two. The key here is getting everyone to realize this.

Now, there are some that can not represent this fact because they simply do not know. The ONLY way to get through to these people is to ask your spirit for a peaceful world of harmony. Remember this is also what the spirit wants , so you will find your spirit way more than accommodating to this goal.

When dealing with these people, who do not know in this physical realm. Show them love and compassion because they are not evil, just scared. Remember that these people are an extension of you. The more you ease there pain, the more you ease your pain. You can not separate yourself from these people no matter how hard you try. So even if you are highly enlightened there is still a part of you that is sad because sad people still exist.

This will be the philosophy of this new age of love and peace. Kindness will reign because we all will know. What we do to others we do you ourselves because they are ourselves. This is what Jesus meant when he said love God and Love thy neighbor. In this knowing we will achieve world peace. We will accomplished this because all that stands in our way is ourselves!!!

Joseph Anthony

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Stop greed - Increase Wealth

Greed is simply a symptom of feeling disconnected from your source. Its a condition that happens when you do not realize that you can have anything at anytime. All you have to do is ask your Divine self for it.

This greedy condition actually works as a major hindrance to those who wish to obtain wealth. It stops the natural flow of things because it does not allow objects to flow freely in and out of your life. This attempt to obtain and hold objects that belong to the universe will prove to be the down fall of many. It's almost as if the person has no faith in the universe to produce any results.

The important thing is that you take what the universe gives you but do not force your will upon anything or anyone. If you are looking to create wealth want more. Its not about saving its about wanting. In order to live in this new world of asking and receiving you must increase your desire not your bank account. The bank account increasing will be another great side effect of enlightenment.

Joseph Anthony

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Understanding Enlightenment - What to Expect

You hear the term enlightenment a lot but what does it mean. It basically means that you are operating in a higher brain or a higher consciousness. It seems as if you are operating with your higher power exclusively and all your actions and words become perfect. Your Midas touch produces diamonds, gold and love.

This state of being also causes you to feel love for all of man kind. Your actions become universal and all those that are around you, hang on your every word. You become more God like than you can possible envision right now.

Enlightenment is achieved by facing every fear you have ever had. Standing up to negative influences and saying I am who I am and that’s all I wish to be. You will merge with your higher power and you will have direct guidance from your inner self. This is a very internal journey and the exercises at the end of the book will help you, get pointed in the right direction. The rest is up to you and God.

At first, it is actually easier for the individual who wishes to become enlightened than those that are around you not taking this path. Some people will become uncomfortable with your joy because there wish for themselves is not joy as of yet.

The best way to handle these people is to give them unconditional love because eventually they will come around. Let’s just hope it does not take death for them to achieve this.

Joseph Anthony

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

World Peace is one Thought Away

Most people who read this know the Law of attraction. If you don't; It's the technique successful people use to get things that they want. By keeping images in your mind frequently of the things you are wishing to obtain. It will create physically realities according to the item of your desire. Its a simple as that. It has been a great tool for me and for others for many years. All it really takes is about 15 minutes a day and everything just falls into place.

Knowing the power of this tool, I have realized it could transform the entire world. So, I have asked all those people who want world peace to focus on world peace for 5 minutes a day. This is the ultimate in co-creation. I have no doubt that this will work eventually, we must be patient and wait for the world to catch up to this reality.

In the mean time the individual who focuses upon this will live in world full of peace because that is what is being attracted to them. Its a win, win situation. You are helping the world and you are helping yourself. It's time that these ideals are brought to the main stream. I am going to accomplish this and I am hoping all of the people who read this will do the same thing.
What are you waiting for??? Peace is no more than a thought away.

Joseph Anthony

Monday, March 9, 2009

False Masters and the Law of Attraction

When I first learned about the Law of Attraction and its capability of changing lives. I immediately thought that this information could change the world and it defiantly has the capability too. I said to myself that all the people of the world should know this. I am taking into consideration that people have free will. So, some may choose not to use the Law of Attraction and that's fine. The issue is that most of the 6 billion people on this planet don't have a half a clue about the law of attraction . All I am saying is that people should at least know that this is an option.

In recent history there was a DVD put out explaining this Law of Attraction and it did its job for what it was. The problem was they left out so much information , that even if you watched this DVD hundreds of times. You still would not get it because it was incomplete. You needed to follow up with something else to really get the message.
Now, the same makers of this DVD are charging hundreds of dollars to learn what is left of these teachings. I find this absolutely blasphemous because this divine message is meant to be spread freely. Those that God entrusted with this knowledge should have taken this message with angelic hearts to the world.

As far as I am concerned this information should be free or as close to free as you can get. So that those who really need it can get it. It's way too guarded of a message, for whatever reason. If you were a true master you would know that you do not need to make money by preying on peoples insecurities. I can't help but think of the people that spend the little money that they have on these lessons in the hope of become good at it.
Truthfully, everyone on that specific DVD is not involved in this and most of them are really good people who I hold in high regards. I am speaking of a select few that have falsely identified themselves as being of a higher consciousness.
I fully support a $25.00 DVD or book made with the intentions of helping other. What is Wong is marketing half a story to rope you in. Then asking for hundreds afterwards to complete the message. This just seems irresponsible and wrong on so many levels.

For those who don't know, the law of attraction is just a tool used for hundreds of years by those who are enlightened to create stuff. The law of attraction is like the hammer in the hands of a carpenter. The hammer is pretty easy to use, its the skill level of the carpenter that really matters. Look inside and become a better carpenter. Stop worshiping the hammer.

Joseph Anthony
Notes: The teachings of Abraham, Deepak Chopra, Neale Donald Walsch, Walter Starcke, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Joel Goldsmith, What the bleep, Dalai Lama (among many others) did a great jobs telling the complete story. Check them out.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The big bang theory - The origins of the Universe – Scientific Advancements

I have read countless articles and watched countless documentaries on the big bang theory. This theory is the attempt science makes to explaining how the universe was created. The theory up to this point is as close to factual as you can get about the origins of the universe.

When you read these articles, they will give you a detailed explanation about this event all the way back to when the universe was no more than an atom. It’s an amazing point in science when we can recreate this event backwards to find out exactly where we come from.

Then all of a sudden after they explain it all started from a single atom. They emphatically state that they do not know what started this. What scientist should say is there can to who started the big bang and set the universe in motion only be one explanation for this, God but the do not. Nothing happens by itself, nothing that great happens by accident.

By agreeing with the opinion of the universe being a random event, you are agreeing that nothing has any purpose in this universe. Including yourself and no matter what you believe, you simply can not believe your life is worthless. Otherwise, you would not even get out of bed in the morning.

You’re probably asking why they wouldn’t just come out and say that god started this? It’s because spiritual people are not scientists and scientists are not spiritual people. Lucky for me I am many things wrapped into one. So, I can freely say what I know as fact.

Breaking these walls down are absolutely pivotal for scientific advancement. When we remove prejudice and start opening our minds to all possibilities. All the possibilities will reveal themselves. We must start opening discussion about all the things that were too taboo to speak of before. Its time for change on all levels, for the betterment of all man kind!!!
Joseph Anthony

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Accepting divinity - Your true Family - The Meaning of Life

Accepting divinity - Your true Family - The Meaning of Life

Yes it is true, that you are physically related to you mother, father, brother, sisters, aunts, uncles and cousins. This is not the family I am referring to. Although, they are certainly included in this family. For this conversation I am referring to your divine family.

Your divine family is your universal connection to all your brothers and sisters. We all have the same father and mother. Some call these true parents God or Source. These parents birthed your spirit and makes us all family because you can not be alive with a spirit.

If you are asking if God is one, how is she two? You must try to understand that God is everything that exists and anything that will exist. All of which are considered ONE and not many.

The truth is that anything that is considered alive is actually God in disguise. This what Mother Theresa meant when she said that people are God in disguise. The truth is your inner spirit, is in fact God. Making each and every one of us God in disguise.

Why would God choose to live as billions of humans ? The answer is ever changing perspective of preference. God is constantly evolving, so to help her gauge her preference she has decided to view herself from many angles.

Our Job is to call forth God into this plane of existence (using the law of attraction) by setting preference and asking our source to create it. This then creates new perspectives and new preferences. Which source can use to gage her preference again. This cycle continues infinitely.

This must be totally understood before enlightenment can occur. At the beginning all you need to do is ponder this. It will become an almost obsessive thought after a while. Then it will become a part of your new thought process. If you choose it to be of course.

Joseph Anthony

Friday, March 6, 2009

What is Heaven and Hell?

Heaven and Hell are not physical places; they are earthly states of being. There is no judgment coming from our creator. So, no one can be condemned for eternity to suffer or to prosper in paradise. It is a personal choice made right here on this planet.

When our bodies move back to the physical earth, the spirit then goes back home to decide what it wishes to do next. This choice, allows some to choose to come back, and some to choose to move up the scale of consciousness. Whatever the spirit decides it decides by its own will.

That also includes the life you are living right now. You have chosen the life you are living to give yourself clues to your true nature. Follow your clues to the path of enlightenment. Stop trying to please or make angry an imaginary person who is no where near what God is. Learn the true nature of God and work with the power that has been inside of you this entire time.

Joseph Anthony

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Law of Attraction

You may have already realized that you are creating your own life using your thoughts. When you’re having a bad day, more bad happens. When you’re having a good day more, good happens. This is because of something called the Law of Attraction.

The law of attraction strictly states that whatever you think about most will manifest itself into your reality. This also means that if you want something all you have to do is change your thought process to obtain it.

For example, if you want a new car. Sit and day dream about it daily until it appears. When you can close your eyes and feel like your in that new car. It’s yours the Universe (God) will provide it.

These are great perks to being an enlightened person but this should not be your only motivation. This is where those who have passed this message on to others before me have failed.

This process of creating material items is very spiritual and should be treated as such. You must realize who you’re asking for these items. That would be God or whatever you would like to call her.

The reason why most publications before this did not tell you these things is because of religious dogma. The absolute fear of religious out cry. I have more faith in humanity than those who came before me. Also, I believe my message proves all religions and shows the truth and value in all of them.

I have met many priests, rabbis, monks and religious leaders who follow the law of attraction. There has even been of springs of religions that combine religious tradition and the law of attraction. Some great examples of this are but are not limited too; Kabbalah, Gnostic traditions, most Sufism practices and most Buddhist practices.

Joseph Anthony

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The new time paradigm - Being Successful !!!

There are only two possible time paradigms you could possibly be living in.

One is called a past-future paradigm and the other is called present time paradigm.

The past-future paradigm or medieval paradigm dictates that time moves so swiftly that the present moment could not possibly exist. The past moves into the future at such incredible rates, that it passes the current moment by with out notice.

This is a dangerous paradigm because the past-future paradigm does not allow for personal growth. You will be re-living all the things you have done in the past with no room for new growth.

The Present paradigm or new age paradigm states that there is ONLY the present. Because all you can prove is the existance of right now. All that ever can be is right now!

The present paradigm is the only paradigm that allows for human growth and a constantly improving life experience. It is the only paradigm where you can stop time and reset your future. In order for you to create a new life you need to flow in the present. This is the main tool for your success.

All the great masters, (The Secret, Teachings of Abraham, Dr. Wayne Dyer or any other spiritual teacher), will teach you this, using different terminology.

To live in the present paradigm. At first you must constantly remind yourself, the only thing that exists, is NOW. Then appreciate each moment for what it is, EVERYTHING. When you are there 100% you will find that all things just start to work itself out. When you ask for something you get it. All those around you are always in a good mood. It is a pretty beautiful way to live.

So, if you will try this today. You will get great results, if that's what you choose for yourself.

Ask for something small, anything. Something that you know you can have at any moment if you want it. You do need to believe that this item is obtainable because you are only challenged by your own personal belief system.
Then live in the present paradigm for the rest of the day.

You will be amazed at what this life experiment will produce.

After you achieve the small stuff. I will teach you how to do the big stuff.

If you need any help you know how to reach me.

Joseph Anthony

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The solution to all science problems - Fixing E=MC2


We all know it, we all understand it. but just in case you don't.

It basically says;

Energy is equal to mass times the speed of light squared. It was Eisenstein's explanation of time. He felt the need to do this because a brilliant man like himself knew that there was no logical explanation for time. This equation was pivotal to physics and technology in Einsteins time. It was no less then brilliant any way you look at it.

Pretty much simultaneously, the beginnings of quantum theory came out. Which basically said there is absolutely no predictability in the Universe and time was BS. Making Einstein's relative world wrong. There's way more to this story but its super boring. :)

So, Einstein spent his dieing days trying to link his theory of relativity and quantum theory. He was never able to do this. The reason Einstein failed was because his mathematical brain could not comprehend infinity. Which is a very spiritual realization. Also, the quantum theory Einstein used to link the two was so incomplete that his task was almost impossible anyway.
I luckily have seen the progress of quantum theory emerge into something so much more advanced than in Einsteins time. Therefore, I was blessed with the knowledge and ability to link the two.

The problem with E = MC2 was that no one solved for E. This was because they were looking to put a numerical value on a spiritual property.

Energy is what makes you be, it is in everything and anything. There is no explanation for Energy. So the idea of quantifying Energy is asinine. Energy can only be explained by the belief in a higher power.

So to complete this theory;
II = E = MC2

Which means when infinite possibilities multiples with infinite possibilities the value of energy can be realized. Which is absolutely impossible to numerical value because energy grows at such an incredible rate, that it would not sit still long enough to be measured.

What does this mean to us?

If we can find a vessel that would allow for unlimited growth. Then we could take this unlocked sub-atomic energy and harness it for our own uses. Also, we probably wouldn't need as much radiation to do so. Making it much, much safer. The reason why we haven't done this already would be religious dogma. Which you can refer a few posts back for that reason.

What does this mean to you?

Unlimited Energy, the end of the energy crisis and the PROOF of the existence of GOD. Also, major progress in technology, major economic progress and the elimination of all major problems.

Joseph Anthony

Monday, March 2, 2009

Creating Abundance - Being Grateful

It is FACT that;
The more grateful you are for what you already have, the faster your creations will fall from the sky.

I am not just talking about saying thank you.

I am talking about a deep feeling of appreciation. This feeling can not be faked and if you could fake that feeling you would be missing the whole point of life. This appreciation can only come from the depths of your being. It’s an amazing feeling. Once you feel that feeling, no other feeling besides this blissful joy is even tolerant. That is when you are creating well. This is when you are very connected to God and that is truly the only way to live a happy life.

Feelings are your most important marker because it is your gage to how close you are to your goal.

If you feel bad, you are far from your goal.
If you feel good, you are somewhere in the middle.
If you feel like shouting from the rooftops how great life is, then you are already there.

Feelings are your direct link with God. She will always let you know how far or close you are by giving you instinctual feelings.

Your natural state of being is Joyous. This is God's Kingdom and the only operational setting needed for creation. It is truly the most important factor in living the life you wish to create.

This happiness is the infinite nature of life. Happiness is a revolving process directly linked to God which also means it’s the next logical step of Man-God evolution.

Once you achieve bliss and joy. You will hold on to that Joy because you want nothing more than the feeling of happiness.

Feelings of happiness can be achieved at any moment by anyone. Don’t worry if you loose it by some chance because all you need to do is ask for it again, and watch how fast it returns.

Love is what matters, feel it, live it love it. Create a great life because source (God) loves you so much and she wants to be happy just like she is.

Joseph Anthony

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Cheating Death? Proof that you can never truly die

Your full potential is only reached when all evolves to infinite unity. This means that when you have achieved graduation there will be a new horizon for you to explore. Making you absolutely eternal which is the exact same principal that makes God eternal as well.

Quantum physics states that all things are made up of this sub-atomic world, including ourselves. This theory is 100% correct but is incomplete without an eternal rotation. This eternal rotation is what I call life levels.

Although there are an unimaginable number of life levels that exist. I will show you 13 examples because the best analogy I can give for this is a deck of cards. Think of the sub atomic world as the ace in the deck and the highest and lowest quantity that exists.

In cards the ace symbolizes two things; the number ONE and the highest value imagined. This is the same way the quantum world works. It is the ultimate Ace.

It’s almost like there levels of life and each one is codependent on the others. This never-ending cycle is possible because they all start and finish in the same place. Who is to say where the beginning is anyway?

The discription below is a short version of the concept of life levels

The expansion of the sub atomic world creates the universe plane (ACE)
The Universal plane creates all galaxies (KING)
The Galaxies creates all the solar systems (QUEEN)
The Solar system creates all the planets (JACK)
The Planets creates many varieties of land masses (10)
The great land masses creates many varieties of life (9)
The great varieties of life creates many individual forms of life (8)
The great individual forms of life that creates specific desires and wants (7)
The great desires and wants create great idea’s (6)
The great Ideas create great thoughts (5)
The great Thoughts create great creations (4)
The great creations creates new perspective (3)
The great new perspective creates evolution (2)
This Evolution creates the expansion of Subatomic world. (ACE)

What you must understand is that God is living on this dimension through us. So our evolution is directly linked to God’s evolution. Much like God’s evolution is directly linked to our own personal evolution. There is no way to separate the two because they are ONE. You are here for a very specific reason, to view yourself (the universe) from your own earthly eyes.

This theory 100% proves our eternal nature, and all things should be respected as such. It also proves the myth's of birth and death. There can be NO death because you were never born. You have always just been here. It also proves the codependancy, that exists between ALL others. All others are not many just ONE.

So when the body goes, the spirit will not. Nothing in life can be removed only changed. Even the body becomes something else, do not let a another great lie dictate your life. Free your mind, body and soul.

Joseph Anthony

Who are Angels? Angels and Demons

When I first started on my spiritual journey, I was taught that Angels are truth's.

Such as;

God is Love

We are all one

God answers all prayers

Stuff like that etc...

Then I saw the Angelic properties of people and found that human beings can be true angels;


Mother Theresa

Dr. King


There are many, many others.

But It does not end there;

It maybe a fact that the biblical sense of angels may be based on truth.
It is entirely possible that these beings called Angels operate in a higher level of consciousness, of whch a lower consciousness could not identify.

They are so high in concosness that most can not even identify them. Much like the ancient Mexicans couldn't see the Spanish ships, we only see what we can accept. Even in my enlightened state, this all may be way over my head as well. Remember we only see a small percentage of what the mind is processing.

I can only Imagine what these beings would be like, Brave, Beautiful, Bold, protectors of this baby race called Man Kind. I think we should aspire to be like them and give the angels the credit they deserve. Our Love and not our worship. They may even be humans who upgraded there state of being to angelic nature. Humans may actually be an offspring of Angels. Who knows? Only God.

I will never claim to know anything about God's Realm because it would be impossible from this realm to even speculate about this great mystery. That's where true faith is formed, in the not knowing. All of us spiritual masters have an understanding of God's place in this realm and no other realm. Anyone who claims to know how God operates beyond the first, second or third dimension is only guessing because that's all we have consciously experienced thus far.

A little bit about angels;

Legend has it they are Source (God's) messengers and they do all her work. They absolutely have free will because the one thing I KNOW about God is that she doesn't like controlling anything, she likes to create and watch it grow. So the notion that Angels are like intergalactic slaves is ridiculous. There motivation is the same as what ours SHOULD be. A deep Love for our source.

Another Legend has them battling Demons and the Devil. To bad there is NO such thing as demons or the devil in the sense that you think of them. IN-Fact All things are of God. Demons are just personal battles you have inside that hold you back from happiness and the devil is just some mid evil bullshit made up by some misguided individuals.

Guardian Angels are said to protect each and everyone of us. Very possible but who knows what the definition of protection is.

The Problem is that Dogma has been instilled in your psyche. I am just asking you to separate truth from fiction and make up your own mind. It is entirely possible that Angels are no more than a vessel God uses to communicate with us. If God tried to speak to us it would rip us to shreds. God is that powerful and amazing. Just know that you are Loved and protected by many things and you should try your best to be as angelic as possible because that may be the next level of consciousness. Keep your mind open.

Joseph Anthony

About Me

I am an author and proud member of New Thought Movement Publishing’s family of authors. My latest book “15 days to a beautiful life" is out and doing well. My latest title and collaboration project from "Chicken soup for the soul illustrator Steve Barr will be out this fall. You can find my titles and other great new thought authors at: My latest social movement has connected me with many people who help me with the task of reminding people to look with-in for their true essence. If you’re looking to get involved with this program go to: I can be found on numerous websites and my writings can be seen in many publications. You can goto the source of those articles at my blog which is syndicated in various publications. Http:// You can find my latest main stream project at which is also being shopped for syndication at:
