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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Your mind set, Your Spirit, Your Goals

The famous French poet François-Anatole Thibault once said "To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe". These words of wisdom ring as true today as they did when he wrote them in the early 1900's. What he captured in this quote was the mind set and spiritual sentiment needed to achieve goals.

When François states that we must not only act but also dream. He is referring to the age old law of attraction principle that what ever we think about is the driving force of any manifestation. When he states not only plan, but also believe. He is referring to the mind set of unwavering faith that is required to purposely direct these thoughts using the law of attraction.

To outline this principle in a practical way I will use it in the confines of weight loss and general health. The fact of the matter is before you hit the gym or start your new diet the battle has already been won or lost. If you go into your new regimen and think to yourself, this is going to be difficult and its going to take a long time to achieve your goal; you have already lost. This is because you are already placing negative emotions and energy to your goal and therefore the mind/spirit will not inspire the correct decisions needed to achieve this goal.

To do this correctly one must first get a clear image of what they wish to accomplish.It is important to be very specific and use opinions that are formed on your own and are not influenced by anyone else's opinions especially the modern media. There is no one body type and each person is as unique as their fingerprint and so is their opinions. It is up to the person who owns the body to decide what they feel is the appropriate weight. If it is not your desire that you are manifesting. What would be the point?

After you have this image of your goal crystal clear, keep it in your minds eye daily. Feel the feeling of this goal being accomplished and allow the joy of this feeling to be part of your everyday experience. For those who are sceptical of Law of attractions effectiveness pertaining to a fitness goal. You need only read any of Arnold Schwarzenegger's fitness books where he states the importance of daily visualizations to his goal of becoming a multi-winning Mr. Olympia.

You will find after setting these goals and visualizing the outcome. That this goal is easy, seemingly effortless. Also, you will find that the path to this goal has already been laid out in front of you as if it has already been there. It may come in the form of a great personal trainer, or a great book that outlines a routine and diet or a new found appreciation for fitness. It does not matter how it comes to you, just know in your heart that it will.

This mentality not only works for health but it also works for wealth, relationships or happiness. No matter what your goal is, the steps are exactly the same. Set the goal, visualize it daily, believe it will come to life and let your inner self inspire your actions. So, the next time you look around and decide something is not to your liking remember the words of François-Anatole Thibault "To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe".

Joseph Anthony

Friday, July 10, 2009

All You have is You

Old Paradigms of society did not have much room for individuality or free thought. From the day you are born you are told what to do from the second you wake up to the second go to bed. You are even told what time to do so. Unfortunately for those who set these parameters, the people who have choose to manifest in this age of the spirit will not abide by this demand for conformity.

Although we hold no picket signs or rallies we use the most powerful force in the universe to break the mold of melancholy life. This generation has held freedom in their hearts and silently let the power of their eternal spirit change the world in which they live. The time has finally come where these collective thoughts of the the free spirits manifest into the collective sentiment of the world. As advertised, the mustard seed has grown tall, wide and has become uncontrollable.

When these spiritual rebels came to this planet they kept asking "why" until there was no answer to that question anymore. Finding there was no logical or spiritual reason for many of the things we call "normal". They then decided to form their own opinions and learn of their true divine nature.

For many, they have found the God-Power that is inside of each and every one of us. They have discovered the truth of their existence and has become one with this truth. By forming their own opinion and establishing a relationship with their inner spirit, they have allowed their true purpose to shine to the surface and they have become a powerful creator.

It is besides the fact that nothing can exist outside of this divine spirit because some have not integrated this consciousness as of yet. The truth is, the only guarantee you have is your inner spirit. Nothing else is guaranteed or even reliable for that matter.

It is time for all of humanity to look inside and find that stream of well being and creative power. Your inner spirit is all you will ever need. It is time for the masses to place faith where it belongs, with-in your divine self. Your are all you have and all you ever will. Everything and everyone else is just an extension of that. Find your inner divine and you will find the foundation for a beautiful, unique and divine life of great purpose.

Joseph Anthony

Monday, July 6, 2009

Evolve the law of attration (Become a Divine Creator)

You know it, you love it and for some it has been their first introduction to enlightenment. Of course, I am referring to the law of attraction. A well-known law of the universe that has been made extremely popular by the DVD "the secret" and has been featured in countless publications.

Many of us have learned to master this law and it has served us well. It is a truly beautiful technique of the mind/spirit relationship that is tried, tested and true. This law states that whatever you pay most attention too will come to you frequently in your life experience. For example if your thinking mostly of pain you will get more pain, and if you are thinking of joy mostly you will get more joy (works with objects, experiences or anything that does not violate some one Else's free will).

After that basic understanding is given, you learn to direct your thoughts to attract more specific things into your life. This is done by taking time out each and everyday to purposefully and emotionally play these experiences in your mind until they arrive in your life.

Knowing that in this universe nothing stays stagnant. There is always an evolution, what is the evolution of the law of attraction as it relates to us. Naturally a world wide practice of this technique would be one step in our human evolution as a whole. But for the individual it would be another seemingly giant leap of faith. The giant leap of becoming a divine creator.

A divine creator is one who creates effortlessly without the restrains of time or space. Someone who feels their power so strongly that they eventually have learned the art of instant manifestation. Someone who can transcend all boundaries between the spiritual and the physical world. This person would also be of an extremely high consciousness and would have summoned his/her divine essence into existence.

To achieve this we must first start off with the absolute belief that nothing is impossible. We must dare to ask for this type of power and know that what we ask for WILL come to us in divine essence and timing. we also must know that we are born divine and we are simply returning to our original state of being. Then(most importantly) we must look with-in to raise and expand our consciousness to reconnect with our divine self.

Some have said in order to achieve such a giant jump in creation we must actually merge with the soul of our creator (which has been done before). Making the process of creation a greater part of our couscous desires and subsequently give us more control of this process.

Creation Process:
1. The desire appears in your mind.
2. It is processed in the unconscious or subtle body
3. It passes through collective consciousness
4. It is organized cosmically in pure consciousness.

Provided, there is only one way to raise your consciousness and that is by working daily with your divine teacher. I am speaking of your inner spirit which is an extension of source. Your spirit will lead you higher and higher up the level of consciousness until you get to where you want to be. Then you will set new goals and the cycle will continue again.

There is nothing I can write that can tell you exactly how to achieve anything. So, I will not try. What I can say to you with 100% absolute certainty is that your inner spirit will lead you to this desire (if that's what you choose). It will take you to the highest levels of consciousness and will show you how to climb to the highest mountain tops. As long as you trust that is will, it shall be and the knowledge you are seeking right now will come to you easily and effortlessly.

What I can say to all of you and it will be agreed upon by your spirit is; Dare to push the limits of your imagination. Expect more from yourself and your creations, do not worry you will not be let down. Dare to dream what has never thought possible before and dare to believe that it will come true.

Joseph Anthony

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hidden Segments

It is no secret that the higher aspects of yourself operate in a totally different system than our physical bodies. The concept of time is one of the most important example. To the spirit time is nothing more than a physical agreement adopted by the body to catalog moments of physical experience. A physical agreement that has no value in the spiritual world of the higher self.

You can see evidence of this in quantum physics. Quantum Physics shows that all things are only possibilities of being something until it is observed and then the observer projects the subject into form. Making time only valuable to those who observe it. The higher self is not one of those who choose to observe this agreement. Only the body and mind (for some) have the need to observe this agreement. That is not to say that the spirit is not aware of this perspective because it is the creator of your physical experience, it is just not observed.

Knowing that the spirit does not play by these physical rules of time. It leaves the spirit unlimited possibilities to place hidden segments into our experiences. These segments can happen so fast that from the human perspective they will go unnoticed. Many of your spiritual break through happen in this way. Of course only if that is the desire of that individual.

These hidden segments have purposes that are unimaginable and are as unlimited as the vast universe. It is impossible from our physical perspective to consciously partake in these moments. It helps to realize that there are many hidden factors to the progression of obtaining higher consciousness. We can not control this in which we do not understand, we can only acknowledge and appreciate the fact that its power is with-in us.

The only thing we can control is the frequency of these progressions. By asking for growth and following your emotional guidance system to allow the progression of self. It is absolutely imperative that you always reach for the best feeling thought and action you can until it becomes as second nature as breathing. This will keep you in close vibrational proximity to Source and the closer you are to source the faster you will progress in mind, body and spirit.

Yet another reason why your feelings are the most thing in your physical experience. Stay true to happiness and Love. Allow the flow of the stream of well being to take you to your goals of expansion and you will have many, many hidden segments of progression and expansion.

Joseph Anthony

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Raise your consciousness (The flow of the divine)

There are many ways to raise your consciousness, but for the purpose of today's lesson I am going to speak of a method in which one's own understanding pushes their consciousness to raise. Put simply this means allowing your new found level of consciousness to resonate in your being and in-turn creating a new spiritual understanding (so to speak). Which will in-turn birth new questions and answers. It is almost like letting your mind travel and explore its new found consciousness to find new pathways into a higher consciousness (as if it was a physical place).

In order to achieve this leap frogging of consciousness you must intend it. Make a mantra that goes something like "I am exploring this reality with the intention of becoming a more conscious being and to evolve all that is my being" Then allow the spirit to guide you through the journey of time/space reality to draw upon new levels of thought. This technique is very unpredictable and it truly allows your inner spirit to be your teacher. Making the trust you have for your inner self a huge factor of your spiritual success. As well as letting go of the mask that you wear as self and allowing the spirit (which is your true essence of being) become you.

An good example of this progression is; When you start to realize that you are a spiritual being having a human experience and not a human being having a spiritual experience(which will raise your consciousness in leaps and bounds). Then you are left with the notion of evolving the spirit, and then wondering what the spirit is evolving for. Will lead you to a new found understanding of the purpose of life. It is a never ending cycle of student and teacher where you are playing both roles.

Meditation will also aid this process by silencing the chatter of the mind and allowing the message of the spirit to fully come through. The spirit observes in silence during our daily motions, listening and taking in all that we do. The reverse is the situation during meditation we observe the spirit in the same way, as we listen while the spirit speaks (in it's own way). Many practices of meditation has the person start off by saying, "Spirit, I am silencing the mind, so I can feel and understand your wisdom".

Above all else patience and compassion with yourself is needed. You must allow yourself all the room in the world for error and for this new consciousness to become Incorporated into the mind. Remember feeling good is an indication of how close you are to achieving this raise in consciousness. So it is important that you don't become too hard on yourself. This is not about studying, its about letting the river of life take you downstream. Now put down your paddle and let the flow of the divine take you away.

Joseph Anthony

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Be like a child

As a child you spent countless hours dreaming, playing and having fun. It was no wonder that you look back at this time in your life with such great emotions of joy. It was such wonderful time you lived to play, you had beautiful fantasies about everything your endless imagination could think up and you did not know what a worry was.

Then we got older and somewhere along your life people have told you that the dreaming, playing and fun mentality is child's play and has no place in the adult world. Now those on the spiritual path have now learned that this so called "adult" mentality not only leads to a very aloof life but it can hinder your growth as a person and more over a spirit.

Taking into consideration the laws of the universe. Was it because we were young and Innocent that we had such a beautiful life or was it because our minds were creating such beauty because our mind sets attracted it to be. It is obviously because we were attracting this style of life because all we knew was bliss. This mind set is the key to inner peace, world peace and all your desires.

A person on the spiritual path has the immense task of trying to forget the vision painted for them of a cold, UN-loving world. This is truly what it means when many masters use the term UN-learn. To take what is your truth and separate it from what you were told your truth is and too live in the joyful, blissful state of mind as intended.

This is not only important to your over all happiness but it is pivotal to your ability to create and manifest. It is your level of happiness or vibrational projection that will allow good things to enter your experience. Making the child like attitude I speak of the true attitude for success. Fun is not a luxury it is a necessity and the more you become a fun happy being, the closer you are to your true nature and ultimately your source.

It is time to smile, laugh, play, love, dream and above all be happy. This is what your here to do "be happy and create". Take some time and feel what it was like to be a kid again, hold that in your heart and carry it with you for the rest of your days. There is no time like the present to begin your new child like outlook on life. Oh yeah, Have fun and tag your it!!!

Joseph Anthony

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Ten Commandments, world peace and enlightenment

The ten commandment story is as well known of a story as that there is or ever was. Whether you believe in the Ten Commandments story or not is irrelevant the Ten Commandments has been governing your life for thousands of years. Governments have used this doctrine to govern people since its existence. The problem is that the entire story and actual commandments have been completely misunderstood. My understanding of these events, much like a Hollywood movie is based in reality but has been greatly exaggerated for dramatic effect.

The story goes like this; Moses (a great master) asked God ultimately his higher self.
“God, how will I know when we are close to you?” (Enlightenment)

God said “you will know that you are close to me (and ultimately in vibration alignment)

1) You feel like there is no other God besides me. – You will know that I am the only thing that exists.
2) You do not worship false idols. – You will not fall for religions that give you false paths to me, you will know the truth is with-in.
3) You do not take the Lords name in vein. – You will not curse the powers you have inside of you because you will be creating well.
4) You hold every day as Sacred – not just Sunday and holidays
5) You honor your Mother and Father – you will appreciate and respect your past and those that have come before you
6) You will not feel the impulse to murder – you will not wish to harm anyone
7) You will not feel the impulse to commit adultery – you will not break the individual covenants that you made with your fellow beings.
8) You will not feel the impulse to steal – because you know that you can have whatever you want anyway through your spirit.
9) You will not feel the impulse to lie – you realize there is no benefit of false creation
10) You will not feel the need to covet your neighbor’s wife – Create your own ideal family situation. Do not envy anyone. Admire and get ideas for your own life situation. So, you can create your own life preference.

Looking at these set of statements from an enlightened perspective it seems that the message was clear. Treat the virus and not the symptoms. Much in the same way those on the enlightened path are finding out to monitor your feelings and not your thoughts.
Your state of being births actions and not the other way around. If one can focus on the unity that is the truth of the universe, laws would be pointless because the desire to harm would not be there. The understanding of this universal unity (reveled via enlightenment) would not only be understood but would also be adopted into our psyches.

This understanding is a principle that will lead us into a new age of world peace and love; perhaps it is time to adopt a new mentality about the ills of society. All issues are truly a bi-product in the perceived separation from spirit and should not be confused with anything else. So, what can we do?

Those who are enlightened must remember that we can not change anyone’s mind. Changing ones mind is an extremely personal process capable only by the spirit in divine timing. So, we must focus our energy on encouraging the individual to look inside to find their higher self so that the spirit takes over their actions and love becomes their only motivation.
We will achieve world peace one person at a time and the tools we will use are love, compassion, kindness and patience. These are the virtues of a truly divine being and will serve as a great example to all potential enlightened hopefuls.

Joseph Anthony

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Universe with-in (Visualization)

All that is around you is actually in you, it is only the perception of separation that allows the life experience to take place. This truth has great purpose and it really helps those who wish to raise their conciseness to keep this truth in perspective. Your inner divine is the driving force to this reality and when we can summon forth this power we become great creators. So, if you will take some time silence the mind and take yourself on a journey of truth. Do not rush and take your time to feel your way through this.

Look around and take in everything that surrounds you. Then think about what is outside of the building that your physically in.
Think about what is
5 miles from you
50 miles from you
500 miles from you
and then eventually reach the entire circumference of planet earth.

Now, lets take it even further to the solar system,
the galaxy
and now the universe.

Picture the amazing universe and it's vastness nature. Now envision this boundless endless mass of beauty inside your physical body. Feel the power of holding all that "is" inside of you. Let the Love of all that is inside of you at this moment warm your sacred heart. How does that feel? Do you feel the power this visualization implies. The comfort of holding all that is in your beautiful and divine self. Do you feel the limitlessness of the universe the possibilities that now live inside of yourself.

This is a visualization but the truth behind this caries far beyond my words could relate. Now take that feeling and carry it through out this day and everyday (do this often). For you are truly magnificent!!!

Joseph Anthony

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Your Sacred Road - A blessing to you

The road that you travel is the correct one, it is the road that you were meant to be on. After all, it is the road that you have chosen. This is your way to the ultimate truth and is sacred from your perspective and should always remain that way.

To you my road may not be sacred but to me, it is an absolute blessing. We may not see each others road in it's full beauty because it is a personal gift from source. It is a true master that respects the beauty of an others road and blesses them along there personal journey with love and support.

The popular attitude of "my road is the only road", has started countless wars between religions, governments, families and neighbors. It is not only a non-enlightened view but it has no benifits to the self or mankind. This attitude is ultimately a tactic of control and as we all know the controller will never be free. We should all know by now that we are all connected on many levels and each of us is an extension of source and of ourselves. So, this attitude is more harmful to the self then it is to others. To truly be a healthy spiritual being is to know the divinity and the grand purpose of EVERYTHING.

To pretend to know the purpose behind an others action, thoughts or desires are not only arrogant but ignorant. It is a true master that knows he or she knows nothing. These arrogant actions are a symptom of the know it all ego and should be viewed as such to all that observe this action and should not only be taken with a grain of salt but be taken with an ocean of salt.

If you wish to be free act with freedom towards others, if you wish not to be judged then do not judge. This is a fundamental law of this great universe and is one of many reasons why so many are stuck in a spiritual stand still. You are creating with your thoughts and actions and ultimately those thoughts and actions are your vibrational points of attraction.

We are all beautiful and divine beings whom create their own world as we go. I do not know what your world is like but it is of great importance to me that I see the divinity in it. You are truly blessed as is the road you travel. Keep on that road no matter what anyone else tells you because the only truth comes from your inner spirit and only you can know what that inner truth is.

Joseph Anthony

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Everything is forged in the fire of Love

Every story has a protagonist and an antagonist. If you look across the pages of time there are always these two characters fixated in the plot. Of course, It is very easy to appreciated the hero and to find the love that lies in his or her heart. But it takes a truly connected being to see the love in the antithesis. It takes a special kind of being of love to sacrifice personal happiness to assist the happiness of others, no matter how disconnected you are.

When we decide to come into this physical plane of existence we understand the situation we are to fall into way before we manifest physical as a person. This being said the antagonist also knows this and chooses to live a life (or part of a life) of disconnection to help the others who need reminding through contrast. There are many examples of this in your life, and sometimes you play both aspects of this drama; in that case it is important that you make peace with yourself and set yourself free.

We are ALL cut from the same exact divine cloth and Love is the fire that forged each and every one of us. This is the ultimate truth of life, we are all connected in the deepest and most profound way imaginable. That being said true inner peace can not take place until you make peace with all the aspects of existence . The good and the bad, the up and the down. After all, it is all truly the same thing, Source. Nothing could be totally disconnect from source that is the only thing truly impossible because nothing can exist outside of source.

If it was not for the negative aspects of your life the desire of the positive would not be born. One day we will evolve where contrast will not be needed to set preference but until then, it is not only necessary but it has great and divine purpose. This Love though contrast is achieved by helping each other by whatever means it takes. As a matter of fact that is the Angelic motto "Whatever it takes".

Every person place or thing is an expression of the creators love for you. Even those we perceive as being bad are in fact an expression of source. These negative expressions push us to become better than we already are. This is what we are truly here for, to evolve as people, beings and spirits.

The negative aspects of life has great purpose to the grand scheme of it all and we need to make peace with this fact in our hearts and minds in order to truly be enlightened beings. To feel negatively about another is the same as feeling negatively about source and ultimately ourselves. You can not draw lines in the sand when we are ALL in the same boat whether everyone realizes it or not.

So, make peace with all aspects of this human experience. Bless them and show your appreciation for all of it. For if it was not for the these so called wrongs, you would not have realized your true divinity and the love source has for you. Be grateful, be thankful and Love EVERYTHING!!!

Joseph Anthony

Friday, June 5, 2009

Sacred Ancient Symbols (The how to guide)

There are many ancient and sacred symbols used in today's spirituality. All of them have vastly different purposes and different functions. Today's teaching is a crash course in some of the most basic and most helpful ancient symbols and how to use them;

The infinity symbol - Mostly used in meditation but can be used anywhere. In-vision your breath making this symbol across your body or any specific location that needs extra attention. You can make small infinity breath symbols in the area of the brain stem going in the direction of the medulla area of the brain, to helps re-unite the heart and sacred brain. It not only symbolizes the unending nature of our spiritual life. It is has also been said by archangel Michael to be a great tool in the Ascension process.
Seen Below:

The circle with a dot in the middle, the Plus sign , and The triangle - Use these three symbols for 5 minutes each during your meditation to bring balance to your creations. It is said using these symbols for 108 days will drastically improve your spiritual balance and creation efficiency. They symbolize will, love and power the combination needed for any good creator.
Seen Below:

The 72 names of God - Used in Kabbalah to symbolize the many names given to God. Each has a specific Angel attached to it and a specific purpose used for each name. It is said when used in a meditation they can produce great and powerful results for the pure of heart. The way to use these symbols is to choose the one you feel you need the most and hold it in your minds eye during meditation
Seen Below:

Of course absolutely none of these symbols have any power with out your sacred spirit in conjunction with your source granting it such power. They are simply helpful reminders of your true nature and NOT power itself. True power comes from with-in and only with-in. You are the power, you are the divine presence and these are simply some helpful tools for the journey. If you do not have perspective of your true inner divinity and the love that governs it. I do not suggest using any of these, because Power with out understanding will lead to confusion and frustration and will not produce the results you are striving for.

Your relationship and merger with source is the number one, two and three priority. This is what truly matters and at no point should be abandoned. Allow nothing to ever take precedence over that divine right. Be sure to keep this perspective while playing with the cosmic fire. This is exactly how human kind got in to trouble the last time, there is no reason to make the same mistake twice.

Joseph Anthony

Friday, May 29, 2009

The blessing of the 5th dimension bell (The 3am call)

All of us on the spiritual path has been there being awakened at the 3AM hour for no apparent reason. You are usually wide awake and feel like something is calling you, but what is it? Is it the voice of your inner spirit waking you to let you know something? Is it you new time paradigm setting in and resetting your internal clock? Is it the call of your source telling you to come home to the kingdom of peace? The answer to all of these questions is yes but how?

It has come to my attention that there is a vibrational pulse that follows the 3am time line and sweeps across the planet like a wave of light on a consistent basis. The higher you raise your vibration to the 5Th dimension the better you will feel the call of love.

The first time I heard it fully, it was like a bell ringing so loudly that it vibrated my entire being for a few minutes. It is very startling to the ego and your first thought may be fear or confusion, but do not let the ego get you off track to the beauty of this event. You will wake up feeling clear and connected.

It is my understanding that this vibrational event breaks up all the lower vibrations that attach to your being for whatever reason. Its almost like a cleaning system, meant for all those on the spiritual path to the 5Th dimensional consciousness. It is like a little extra help and a true blessing from source. Although like everything else you must invite this into your experience.

In case you haven't grasped that the spirit realm works of frequency and vibration it helps to focus on raising your vibration via your emotions. This is truly what will be your best tool in this human experience called life. Cherish your vibration and strive to do nothing but raise your bar of Joy. This will lead to the full integration of your 5Th dimensional self.

The mystery seems to be getting more mysterious and I am not going to pretend that I know all there is to know about this event. I am only relaying what is my understanding about it. This is far more complex than any of us can fully understand from this perspective. Although it is necessary to raise your vibration to hear this blessing of the bells fully. My advice is to look inside ask your inner spirit for help on this subject and ask to hear this bell more clearly. Then work on being a vibrational match to this 5Th dimension of Love.

Joseph Anthony

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The truth is with-in You

Sit quietly, take a deep breath and feel who is saying the words that flow into your existence right now. Know that the highest aspects of yourself will be present at this moment right here, right now. For this message will ring lauder than a sonic boom to your being. This will be the moment that the path way of Love will illuminate to reveal to you the ultimate truth.

Set aside all the semantics of what was and feel the truth of what IS. It is in this ever important time of NOW that you will find your destiny and purpose. It is easy to get distracted from the truth when there are so many sides pulling you in so many directions. Do not fight the pulling of opposing sides, it is only an illusion used to keep your consciousness living in false realities.

Do not choose a group or organization that makes the most sense and is most convenient to your life style. As a matter of fact do not choose any group at all, choose to believe in the only voice that knows who you truly are. The voice of your inner spirit, the direct extension of your Source, your Creator, your true God. There is no other truth besides the one spoken by your inner spirit. All the answers to all the questions you have ever had are found in your inner spirit.

You must walk the path of the self to see the divinity that has always been there. Direct all questions to the inner spirit and accept only the answers from the inner spirit. Your spirit has been here from the very beginning and there is nothing it does not know. Know that your spirit is there for you at all times and is ecstatic with the opportunity to communicate with you.
Your Spirit will communicate with you in many personal ways but the one consistent for all humans are the gift of emotions. Count on your emotions to always be true. They are your direct communication with your spirit. They will guide you through any situation, it is up to you to listen and act accordingly. When you listen to your feelings you will find all good feeling paths lead to happiness and peace.

Empower yourself at this very moment by taking the journey with-in and communicating with your inner spirit to find all truth's. Forget about those who did not serve love in the past, because they have no power in the now and by giving thought to them, neither will you. Live your life as if the moment you are in is the only moment that has ever existed. Find your days striving for one thing and one thing only, deep connection with your inner spirit. It does not matter the road you take to this promised land of the inner divine, it only matters that you intend on getting there.

Joseph Anthony

I will ask all my readers to pass this message along to anyone with a beating heart to hear it. Copy, paste or post this is message in any way you wish, it is very important for all who need this message to hear this message. Peace and Love to all!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Power and Love of creation

There is an amazing level of bliss that one experiences during an effective creation segment. The power that flows from a creator to its creation is unmistakable. The breath of life a creator puts into its thoughts is nothing short of an indescribable miracle. It is in this feeling that the power of creation is evident and unstoppable.

When someone has created effectively there is no question to what the outcome of that creation segment will be. Confidence and appreciation oozes out of your pours at every level imaginable. You realize your creation hierarchy and take your rightful place as creator of your own domain. You feel the connection to your creator knowing it is only by the ultimate divine hand that you are endowed with this power, and at that moment you know with out a shadow of a doubt that you are one with source.

Each thought should be nurtured and treated as a living and breathing being. After all you are the creator of these living thoughts. Take a lesson from your creator, living things take time to get it right, be patient with them. Give your thoughts the love and support a loving parent would give a child trying to walk for the first time.

These thoughts are your children, much in the same way that we are children of source. These life cycles are becoming more and more evident. Your creations are an extension of yourself and you are an extension of source. Everything is connected in the deepest way imaginable, so we must respect and understand this system in order to become effective creators.

Why not start today,while you are in your creation segment. Take this perspective in with you, feel the power of your intent and the love a creator has for a new born creation. Of course that is assuming you create daily. You DO create daily, right?

Joseph Anthony

I assume most of my readers know this but in case you don't know a Creation segment is a time set aside where you purposely create your desires. There are many methods for doing this but they all involve holding and living these desires in your minds eye for about 15 minutes or so. If you are not doing this yet, I can not stress the importance of this exercise daily. Create responsibly!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The time is NOW !!!

You have walked the walk for a while now, staying faithful to the being that you truly are. Sure your mind has strayed from time to time into negativity, but you used it only to help springboard yourself into new desires. You hold true to your daily focusing for the purposes of creation and manifestation. Yet still no great results to speak of. Why?
I am sure you have heard of the art of allowing, or living in the gaps as the final step in creation. It is the hardest step and the biggest reason why there are not many fruits to your labor. These terms, although rooted in the spiritual are actually about the way you perceive your life experience. This mind set is accompanied by an overwhelming feeling of appreciation and holds great power in the achievement of creation.

You can achieve this state of being easily if the will to do so is there. The first thing you must do (just like anything) is intend it, set it as a goal in order to make it known to the internal processes. This will immediately help you rewire your outlook. After all, this is really what the art of allowing is all about, your mind set.

The outlook you are aiming for is best put as, living in the NOW. You must savor every moment like fine wine. Your mind, body and soul must be active inside each specific moment in order to summon the power of manifestation.

Lets take this moment right NOW and start this process. Are you feeling all the blessings you are currently living in? Do you appreciate the air as it goes into your lungs at this very moment? Are you seeing the gift of eye sight? Are you feeling your connection to your source and bathing in the feeling? Can you rattle off 100 reasons why your happy right now? If any answer to these questions are not an overwhelming and immediate yes. You are not in the correct time paradigm to create.

Appreciate everything and take it all in. Its not possible to do if your not right here, right now in every sense of the word. This is the state of being that will make way for those blessings you have focused on for so long. This state of being also known as the present time paradigm is the way to your divine power. The time is NOW!!! Start living in the abundant, joyous life you have been dreaming about for so long. It has always been there for you, patiently waiting for you to allow it into your life experience.

Joseph Anthony

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A lesson in Creation

It is one of the most basic fundamental laws of the universe. It is true beyond my words could ever relate. It is widely known and as powerful as they come. Yet I am finding more and more of the spiritual forgetting this fact.

We all know that our thoughts create our realities. The images and beliefs we hold in our mind creates the physical reality indefinitely. So, why are so many giving the time of day to what they do not want? They feel that fighting the aspects of life that are unwanted is the way to achieve happiness. This is becoming a big factor in the spiritual misfires we are seeing so often.

We must all stop thinking and giving time to the things that we DO NOT want. We must not allow these visions to enter our minds eye. If you are contemplating and giving energy to the wrongs, you are not creating in which you wish to be right. You are only making the wrong that much more powerful. I must tell each and everyone of you that must become an immediate change for this planet. So, those who know spread it and those who don't change it.

What is the benefit of looking around for wrong? Does this help the strategies of the way of peace? Of course not. You can glance at what IS right now and even understand what IS without being consumed by it. Your mind will create the place you are going, Keep your mind in the place it wishes to be and no where else. The more that you look around at what IS, the more you will create that in which you do not approve.

Also, If you are commanding to the universe with a request and you use the word BUT, IF or MAYBE you are defeating the thought by removing the belief from it. This is not only prevalent in the ones taking their first step on the path, but also in those who are deeply spiritual as well. It is starting to become obvious that many are missing the entire point of what is going on.

We are here to spread LOVE and PEACE by holding peace with-in our hearts and minds. We are not here to spread fear via confusion. Get a grip of what truly is going on. Look inside and ONLY inside to see the truth of this message and how it relates to you. There are many things in this post that will speak to your inner self in a more direct manner than usual. Listen to your inner divine and take the control of your destiny, and collectively we will take the control of this peaceful world that we wish to create.

Joseph Anthony

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth day a truly special day

I woke up this morning knowing that this would be a special day. It was earth day an extremely special day for this planet, As well as an important day for me and my wife Victoria. We have known that this day was coming for some time now. Naturally, I had a spring in my step and love in my heart because I knew that this earth day would be like no other. I have always felt a deep sense of appreciation and love for this planet and my creator, but they were set on raising that feeling an infinite number of times today. Little did I know that what I felt in my heart was nothing compared to what I was about to feel.

When I first walked in the door, I thought to myself. I am so grateful for what I am about to see and gave a quick thank you to my source and let that thank you resonate in my heart while we were waiting to be called. Then finally the moment came and the nurse called her name. We were about to go in and see our baby for the first time.

When the doctor first started the sonogram procedure, I could only see an outline. I couldn't help but notice just how tiny this life journey begins. I felt in awe of the origins of the human experience and was immediately humbled by my creators ability. Then the doctor pointed out to us the heart of our child and a wave of peace like no other came over me. The feeling of love that I felt at that moment was immeasurable, and although I had a great amount of love in my heart before this experience. It can not compare with the love I feel on this most blessed day.

In this life there are many reasons for gratitude and I seemed to go through all of the those reasons today. I was grateful to my wife for giving me this amazing gift. I was grateful for my physical ancestry to have made way for my physical being to be here. I was grateful for this planet for letting me live here so that I can have this blessed gift. I was also unmeasurable grateful for source for creating all of the above and blessing me with this day.

I am fully aware that I will never be able to repay a fraction of the love that I have received from my creator but I will make it my life's work. I know I will never be able to send enough love to mother earth for being the stage for all these events to transpire but it will not stop me from trying.

Love is a never ending journey, and isn't that beautiful!?! Love is the most powerful force in the universe and I can guarantee the positive effects the feeling of love will bring to our planet. It is Love that will bring about world peace and there is no better gift too give to mother earth than world peace.

It is with the deepest heartfelt wishes, that I ask for the love I feel today to be felt by all people by whatever vehicle it may come. All prayers are answered so now it is up to you to let it in.

Happy Earth Day Gaia
Thank You
Joseph Anthony

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Knowledge of the spirit Vs. The education of the ego

If we think back to our days as students. We can clearly remember the word memorize being very predominant in the class room. Memorize your spelling words, vocabulary, multiplication tables etc... The message of memorization has been instilled in the heads of every person who has completed any grade level in school. While this may be an effective way to learn your states and capitals, it is not an effective way to learn spirituality.

Spirituality must be rooted in a deep and profound understanding. A knowing of the basic principles and concepts must be completely integrated into our Psyche before we can even begin to go into the advanced topics of the subject. Many people are becoming greatly confused by terminology. It is like moving into advanced calculus and not knowing basic geometry.

It is very clear that this is a factor of why so many masters have had their words completely misunderstood. People knew the words but few understood them. The words took precedence over the lessons.

This basic knowing is your place in the universe and the "why" of your existence. Your inner divinity and your connection to the source must be accepted in your life before you can move forward. This is what is important and it holds the answers to everything else. Enlightenment must take precedence over semantics.

The education of the ego confuses you with rankings and validation of belonging, thinking of more and more reasons why you do not belong. Keeping you away from your divine family. Asking you to learn more and more terminology in order to achieve a rank. Then you can take your rightful place as divine. The ego will judge your spirituality until you take the power back and realize you are divine, when the truth is you are born with the divine right and need no validation to have obtain it.

The knowledge of the spirit asks you to understand that you are divine and that you become a part of the universal family. It dictates that you are connected to all in the deepest way imaginable. It states that where ever you are right now is perfect and beautiful. Telling you, you need for nothing, everything you need you already have.

Do not confuse education with knowledge. Education is memorization and knowledge is understanding. We must try to understand the laws of this universe and become humbled to the knowledge set down before us. It is a gift that should be integrated in love and not used as a ranking system of separation.

If you have this great understanding please help others understand this basic principle, that has been greatly overlooked. There are many who need clarity in these times of great change. Many are feeling the pull from every angle. Help stabilize your family and point them in the right direction.

If your feeling lost get back to the basics. You may be putting the carriage before the horse. Patience is a virtue needed in spirituality. There is much information out there and I understand that you are very eager to learn. But it is not about learning, it is about unlearning and remembering. All that you need is inside of you and will always be there. Put your faith in yourself. Do not run away from your ego, walk to your spirit.

Joseph Anthony

Saturday, April 18, 2009

What's up Spirit ?!?

The sun is rising on a new day. The brilliant radiating colors of red, orange and blue kiss the horizon. You stand in awe of the vastness of this beautiful sun rise and bask in its powerful rays of natural love and joy. You truly appreciate this amazing moment and remember just how blessed you are to be in this body.

If you break that moment down from the miraculous moment it was created. You will see that this great moment of love was 14 trillion years in the making. From the moment the Universe was created to the moment the sunbeams hit your eyes. You can only imagine the Love your creator must have for you, by giving you the gift of this beautiful moment.

But what about all the other gifts that your creator lovingly set in front of you. Is a beautiful smile or a loving embrace any less important than the sunrise? Of course not, All things that are in your life are loving gifts from your source. It does not matter the size or celestial method. Those who are truly blessed and connected to their source, can always see everything as sacred.

Many on this planet have recently accepted their inner divinity. But what about the outer divinity? The fact is that all things are operating in divine beauty. Find your creator in everyone and everything around you. Even what we perceive as negative will always have a beautiful and divine purpose.

There is nothing that exists outside of source, including you. The only difference between you and everyone else is that, they do not know it yet. It is in the eye of the observer that the power of the moment implies. It is a true master that takes control of perception and encourages the inner divine of others to surface. All you need to do is acknowledge it and give the spirit safe passage into that experience.

Try this out by silently greeting the inner divine each and every time you encounter someone. Watch how their mood immediately lifts and notice how beautiful the encounter becomes. You can say something like my great divine acknowledges the great divine in you. Although it does not have to be so formal. It can be something as simple as; Whats up spirit!?!

It is these simple spiritual nudges that will awaken those who do not know and bring them back to their true nature. It has been said that this world will change by using silent grace, this is a beautiful place to start.

Joseph Anthony

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spiritual Confidence

Its two outs in the ninth, the opposite team has their best pitcher on the mound. Your team is down by one run with the bases loaded. The manager looks up and down the bench to see who gives him a sign of their readiness. Do you dare stand up and say I want to bat? Do you have the strength to step up to the plate with it all on the line? Can you stand up and do the task at hand?

When you start to look at the greats in any given field. You see one very common factor burning with-in all of them, Confidence. The confidence to say no matter what may come I can count on me. The sheer courage to face failure and say I am not afraid of you or anything. This confidence can not be faked and must come from the depths of ones soul.

This mentality is more spiritual than one may think. The knowledge of ones inner divinity must be taken as fact by the mind, consciously or sub-consciously to do great things. The key to true success is confidence of the spirits ability and the belief that you are of divine nature.

Now some people can achieve what they call success by experiencing a small amount of their creators soul through their work. For example an artist can experience the soul of their creator through its art and never realize the big picture. The artist can be divine in that artistic moment and never understand why. Creation from that perspective will always leave the person feeling empty sooner or later. This is because despite getting what the person thought they wanted, they are unhappy.

True Happiness is achieved when you are close to your source and you accept your inner divinity. This is often why you see so many successful people collapse after achieving success, almost as if they can not understand why they deserve this blessing. This is also why you may run into so many wealthy, seemingly successful miserable people.

Your emotions are your spiritual compass that indicates how far away from your creator. When you are truly blissful you can be assured you are in a frequency is in close vibration to your source. Making your state of being blissful, because you are connected to your source and not because you got stuff out of the deal. The ultimate goal is closeness to your creator and should not be confused with any other goal you may set in front of you.

That being said it is that closeness to your creator that makes you successful. This is true confidence, the confidence that changes lives. That is what makes you hit the free through from the line with no time left. This is what drives people to paint great art and write great songs. If you are looking to accomplish anything in life start by realizing where it really comes from. It is your inner greatness that has been begging to come out. Let it out and see what you can do.

Walk along your road from now on with the confidence of a divine and limitless being. One who writes their own script, one who sings their own song. It is the confidence of your connection to your inner spirit that will make a new age of peace, love and marvelous creations for all.

Now go step up to that plate and crack one over the fence!!! - Manager Source

Joseph Anthony

Sunday, April 12, 2009

World Peace - Everyone can help

Today is Easter Sunday and I always write something extra special on days like today. Many things went through my head on various spiritual topics. So, after racking my brain all night I decided to leave the semantics in the past where they belong and speak of the RIGHT NOW.

Whether you are a highly enlightened being or you worship a head of lettuce it does not matter for the purposes of this conversation. This is no time for debate, its a time for universal unity. I feel the time for creating lines and boundaries are over we must UNITE in one common goal. WORLD PEACE, the time has come for the people of the world too DEMAND peace.

"I think that people want peace so much that one of these days government had better get out of their way and let them have it." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

There are many ways you personally can help the universal call for peace. You can keep the vision of world peace in your minds eye for at least 5 minutes a day. Allow your mind and spirit to hear this request and guide your actions towards this peaceful world. Even if you are not spiritual imprinting these images into our subconscious will only be beneficial to this movement and will help you outline a clear cut goal.

You can also write your government and demand peace. You can smile in the face of confrontation. You can be the change you wish to see in the world and let others follow your example. Write letter and articles speaking of your wish to have world peace and publish them for the world to see. Do whatever you can to spark world peace inside of anyone and everyone you meet. You can also pass this article along to people, let them know we are serious about world peace.

"Peace begins with a smile."- Mother Teresa

Its time to demand better of ourselves and of others. A statement must be made to let everyone know that nothing less than peace and harmony will be tolerated on this planet. It is time for you to take your own personal responsibility for peace and change. Except no excuses, start to demand rights and equality for all people. Demand that all governments stop classifying its population by race, sex and income. We must break down all lines of division and unify under the this common goal of world peace.

It is time for us those who are living in this ever important time of change, to inform those who do not know there is a choice. Stand up for those with out a voice and let them know they can choose to live in abundance and peace. We can not choose for them but we need to let the world know that this IS a choice.

Joseph Anthony

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Resurrection process

Today is good Friday and many people are celebrating the extremely famous story of Jesus' Crucifixion and Resurrection in their Easter celebration. The story says that Jesus was crucified and three days later, came back to life. Now, Whether you believe that this event took place or not is irrelevant, but the story itself has great value.

The story states, at the time of his death Jesus already knew he was divine and understood exactly how to use the powers of the divine birth right. He then rises from the dead to be of an even higher consciousness. It is then said that he ascended into heaven.

Now those of the spiritual path know that the word ascension usually refers to a raise in consciousness. the word heaven is used to describe the joyous state of spiritual being in which one is living in their divinity.

This story symbolizes two huge facts about enlightenment that must be realized.

The first and most important being; no matter how high up the ladder you climb there is no end. You can always be better, you can always do better. Every level of consciousness has great purpose. Even when we graduate from these dimensional paradigms we will always have a higher level to aim for.

The other is that when an aspect of yourself dies a new and better aspect will emerge. Death is an illusion anyway, only change is real. When one door closes a new and better door will always open. Fear nothing and hold on to nothing because even the best aspects of yourself will eventually graduate to something even greater.

Happy Easter
Joseph Anthony

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Aspects of God - Embrace the Sacred Feminine

While thumbing through the pages of modern religious doctrines you will notice a very constant mention of the word He while referring to God. Which is not entirely false but is very far from the truth. The truth is that God is mother and father, the alpha and the omega, male and female.

Now this is not big news for those on the spiritual path. Most people in the modern era know that God can not be what they have told us He/She is. As a matter of fact those who create their own lives know that in order to create well, you must work with the sacred feminine aspects of God.

Now the feminine does not define our creator no more than the masculine does. So, it is important to embrace both of these aspects in your consciousness. This will not only make working with the law of attraction more productive but it will also allow the motherly love most of us desperately need into our life experience. Not to mention it will summon forth the motherly love this planet also desperately needs.

Remember the alpha and omega are both parts of our creator and should not be confused with the sum of the whole. The vastness of our source is so great that no one could ever really understand the sum fully. Even if we could figure out a way to define Her/Him, It would be impossible because God refuses to stop His/Her evolution long enough to be defined.

There is nothing more comforting than a mothers love. When you start to change your perception of God you start to change the rays of love you get from Her/Him. Remember no one can trespass on your spirit, you have free will. All things, even aspects of God's love must be invited.

I am NOT referring to God as a being on a mountain top in the sky. I am referring to God as the direct source of our spirits. So, embracing the divine feminine aspects of God is the same as embracing the divine feminine aspects of yourself. Consequently you also must embrace the sacred masculine as well.

When you start to embrace the motherly aspects of God. You will fill your soul with divine love until it starts to leak out, then that leak will become a waterfall of unstopable divine love. This is the love that changes lives and ultimately will change the world.

Joseph Anthony

A Note to the Newbies:
I understand that this may be a bit confusing for those who are new to this path. So, I will tell you that subconsciously ALL people know that they are of divine origins. They act according to there concepts or misconceptions of what God is. So, embrace God as a loving and beautiful mother and father. I encourage you to read and learn more about the truth. Just be careful where you get your information from.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The era of the mustard seed

The mass awakening is in full swing and it is evident everywhere you look. Everything just feels different. The air is sweeter, the water is crisper and the light is much brighter. This was an inevitable moment in human history because evolution is always going on. It does not matter if people choose to observe this progression or not, there is no way to stop it.

This spiritual evolution was mentioned by many but the most famous was from Jesus. He used the mustard seed analogy for the spiritual movement. Now the exact way he used it is very much up for debate being that everything in the modern bibles have been edited and manipulated a countless number of times. I have seen it written in a number of ways.

SOME examples are;

- With the faith of a mustard seed you can move a mountain

- The kingdom of heaven is smaller than a mustard seed

- The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, the smallest of all seeds, but when it falls on prepared soil, it produces a large plant and becomes a shelter for birds of the sky
*Buddha has also referenced the mustard seed but that's a lesson for a later time*

It really does not matter what was actually said because it is irrelevant. All we know for sure is that Jesus used the term "mustard seed" some how. So, lets take a look at the mustard seed.

The mustard seed starts out extremely small and the plant it produces grows to huge heights. It is the Juggernaut of the plant world and once introduced to a garden it spreads in a very fast and uncontrollable manner.

I believe Jeshua was referring to the unstoppable nature of this spiritual movement. I also think he used this term to refer to the quantum world. It was also very interesting reference because at time the mustard seed was banned from being grown in Jewish gardens. Almost as if he was saying to stand up against the powers that be.

We need to embrace the fact that NOTHING can stop this movement. It is going to spread like the mustard seed very swiftly. The movement will grow to amazing heights and in great quantities. It is the era of the mustard seed! Be confident beautiful seeds and plant yourself at you own will.

Joseph Anthony

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Use this moment right now to celebrate yourself. Give yourself credit for all your accomplishments and rejoice in the fact that you were able to handle the the hurdles that you have encountered. You have become a great person with wonderful talents. You have many loving friends physical and non. You have earned the respect of many and now is the time to embrace this fact.

Your divinity is becoming more and more obvious as the moments continue. It is an amazing testament to you that you attracted this type of information to yourself. Bless you and bless your path.

Lets also use this moment to think back at all the clues you left for yourself. Start to look at your entire life situation from birth to this very moment as signs of your true nature. Check your footprints in the sand and see from this new perspective, how you got to this great point in your life.

Do not take one single moment you have lived for granted. They are all sacred and they are all blessed. They hold great information that can only be interpreted by you, the great master of your own destiny. You are here to do something great, it is time that you looked in every direction to figure out exactly what that is.

This is the time of those who are called to answer. You no doubt are one who has been called. The mystery of you has just begun. Figure out what that mystery is all about!!! There is no question that those who are awake at this moment in time, are awake because our great creator has great faith in us. You are hearing this for a reason!!!

Joseph Anthony


Monday, March 30, 2009

The Proof of Spirituality

Most people who lead a spiritual life have no idea that the scientific community has been backing their claims since 1932. This scientific community calls this quantum physics and it has lead to many major technological breakthroughs. This science is the in depth study of the sub atomic world, otherwise known as the building blocks of everything that exists.

There are two major discovers of Quantum Physics that should interest you;

1) When NOT observed, matter turns into waves of possibility and only when observed turns into form. Which means that unless some one is looking at something it is NOT there. Only the potential for something to be there actually exists when not being observed.

What this means to you...
This means that reality is made by the one who is perceiving it. Making it an absolute fact that you can change your reality. Some call this the "law of attraction" but I call it "the way it is".

2) A thought can physically change the composition of matter. They have proven this by taking water samples from the same source and sending it good thoughts and bad thoughts. Then they observed it under a microscope and the results were absolutely indisputable. The water crystals physically changed according to the corresponding sentiment.
What this means to you...
If you have ill wishes for anything with-in the realm of your control (your body, our earth, house, car etc..). You will cause it to physically change depending on what thoughts you send towards it.

Quantum physics has proven that we are in control of our own destiny, and everything involved in our daily experience. Making the spirit the undisputed champion of reality. The truth is that with enough mental force anything can and will happen. Nothing is imposable and is only limited to our imaginations. We have the control of what happens at every moment and always will.

For those who did not know of this science. I highly suggest you learn more about Quantum Physics it will only enhance your spiritual quest. This is an extremely important and overlooked aspect of enlightenment. The theories only give you more confidence during your creation process.

Now, I know that all of you have a great vision of what you want your reality to be. I look forward to seeing what you guys and gals come up with. So, I will not impose my opinions on this matter. But, I am going to make some suggestions of places to send some love;

- Mother Earth, nature and all its creatures

- The Oceans and all that inhabits it

- All that lives and all that exists

- and of course Your Source :)

I send much love to you, Thank You
Joseph Anthony

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Journey to God

Beautiful soul, you have walked many miles with Gods radiating light in your eyes. You have ran towards this light in the hopes that you can view a glimpse of your maker. You can feel the warmth of her rays providing you with love and assurance. You try and try again to view this light, but every time you look directly at this light your eyes are not able to handle it's beauty. So you keep your head down and concentrate on its rays of encouragement and love.

This burning desire to be in the presence of your creator becomes a passion like no other. It seems to be what wakes you and what puts you to bed. It becomes your purpose in life and nothing else even matters. All you wish for is a deep connected feeling with God and God tells you that this is her will as well.

So the chase continues you run and run with your head down. Asking God; what you are doing wrong? and why you can not see her? Then it dawns on you, you have spent years running for no reason. You have made this a chase when it was only an embrace.

God was there the entire time, watching you run. Trying to force your eyes closed with beautiful light, so that you would look inside. Giving you rays of encouragement to remind you of her love and so you don't feel abandoned. Through out this entire journey She has been trying to tell you that; She is here with you, in you and appearing as you.

Joseph Anthony

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Let your spirit be free to evolve

No matter how advanced you are in your spiritual journey. You will always have questions about yourself and your amazing source. It seems that the more questions that are answered the more questions it brings along with it. The constant chasing of knowledge, wisdom and progression is the reason for evolution.

Even when we integrate the facts of our true divinity it still does not satisfy our quest for answers. We can achieve the highest level of consciousness imaginable and we will still have a great thirst for more. There is no ending to progression because ends are not possible in this ever changing universe.

This personal expansion in turn expands the consciousness of all that you are connected to (everyone). Then the universal expansion of this dimension, expands all the other dimensions and ultimately expands that which we call source. Although this is not a one way street and what happens in the higher aspects of these dimensions also greatly effect you, but that's a lesson for another time.

We are constantly pushing the threshold of our selves. We must do this in every aspect of ourselves and accept no boundaries. There are no limits in Gods kingdom, which is where we live and operate (in case you didn't know). Take these self made boundaries and shatter them immediately. Now is not the time for half-assed evolution! We must go into this new age with the full power of the spirit. Stop trying to control something that does not wish to be controlled. Let your spirit run free, just point it in the direction of your desire.

Joseph Anthony

Sunday, March 22, 2009

You have the power !!!

Most people when they first embark on this road to enlightenment ask themselves all sorts of great questions. The most popular one is; Why do bad things happen? The answer is never an easy pill to swallow. Your own thoughts created bad experiences in your own life. The sum of all people's thoughts in turn shaped the world we live in today.

Most people spend a tremendous amount of time pointing fingers at all sorts of things, ranging from governments to mysterious forces. That train of thought will always dilute your ability to master your own destiny. This blame game is admitting that you had no part in creating your own life. So, intern you disarm yourself from creating anything. You do not have the fundamental basis of new age teachings, if you think that only good things are your doing.

A huge step in spiritual freedom is to admit where you have not created well. This is pivotal to take charge of the things you will create from here on in. It is not about blaming yourself because at the time of the bad manifestation, you were unaware of these truth's. This is about taking responsibility for all creations in your life wherever they happened to pop up.

How does anyone expect to learn to be a good at anything without making some mistakes? We need to cut ourselves some slack. Bad experiences led you right here to be the divine person you are today. Those steps were absolutely necessary in your own personal evolution. So take credit for enduring such hardships because they were all part of your divine plan. Acknowledge and accept your power, because you and only you have control of your own life.

Joseph Anthony

Friday, March 20, 2009

Take your Divine power

Divine Power is a gift that we all have inside of us and more and more of us are becoming aware of this fact. This power is inherent and can not be removed from our being. This is the same power that is called the great I AM in many texts.

It has been hidden for so long because your ego tries to steal this power and use it for its own devices. It uses intimidation and lies to fool the spirit into thinking it is powerless. The ego has held the spirit captive for many years making it's horrific job go seemingly unnoticed. The problem the ego ran into was the fact that only pure love can command this great power. So, it attempted to deceive you and keep the truth away from you as long as it could. It obviously lost because many of us know and have become very good at letting our inner beauty rise to the surface.

Once the spirit started to become aware of itself, it wasn't even close. The ego revealed itself as a week, powerless, and easily influenced mirage of the mind. At the same time the spirit revealed itself as infinite, beautiful, loving, powerful, limitless and the only thing that is real.

Although, the ego had a great purpose and should be thanked for its deception because it has lead humanity to a major upgrade. It is time to see the ego for what it truly is; an illusion of nonsense, filled with other peoples opinions. This is the ultimate example of creating by default. We listened way to much to others that did not have our best interests at heart, because they were speaking from the ego as well.

The time has come for the spirit to take its rightful place on the thrown of mankind. Embrace your power and take your seat as the master of your own destiny. Let the solstice of spring be the day you remember who you truly are. The Divine and beautiful creation of God, a spiritual being having a human experience!!!

Ask yourself what is the highest form of self you can imagine? With the spirit in charge there is NOTHING you can't do, NOTHING you can't become, NOTHING you can't have. You are limitless and eternal. Have fun with this new era because you deserve it. Feel the power from deep inside of you and use it to the best of your ability. This power is a gift from your amazing creator with the deepest of love forming the card that goes along with it.

Joseph Anthony

About Me

I am an author and proud member of New Thought Movement Publishing’s family of authors. My latest book “15 days to a beautiful life" is out and doing well. My latest title and collaboration project from "Chicken soup for the soul illustrator Steve Barr will be out this fall. You can find my titles and other great new thought authors at: My latest social movement has connected me with many people who help me with the task of reminding people to look with-in for their true essence. If you’re looking to get involved with this program go to: I can be found on numerous websites and my writings can be seen in many publications. You can goto the source of those articles at my blog which is syndicated in various publications. Http:// You can find my latest main stream project at which is also being shopped for syndication at:
