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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Your mind set, Your Spirit, Your Goals

The famous French poet François-Anatole Thibault once said "To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe". These words of wisdom ring as true today as they did when he wrote them in the early 1900's. What he captured in this quote was the mind set and spiritual sentiment needed to achieve goals.

When François states that we must not only act but also dream. He is referring to the age old law of attraction principle that what ever we think about is the driving force of any manifestation. When he states not only plan, but also believe. He is referring to the mind set of unwavering faith that is required to purposely direct these thoughts using the law of attraction.

To outline this principle in a practical way I will use it in the confines of weight loss and general health. The fact of the matter is before you hit the gym or start your new diet the battle has already been won or lost. If you go into your new regimen and think to yourself, this is going to be difficult and its going to take a long time to achieve your goal; you have already lost. This is because you are already placing negative emotions and energy to your goal and therefore the mind/spirit will not inspire the correct decisions needed to achieve this goal.

To do this correctly one must first get a clear image of what they wish to accomplish.It is important to be very specific and use opinions that are formed on your own and are not influenced by anyone else's opinions especially the modern media. There is no one body type and each person is as unique as their fingerprint and so is their opinions. It is up to the person who owns the body to decide what they feel is the appropriate weight. If it is not your desire that you are manifesting. What would be the point?

After you have this image of your goal crystal clear, keep it in your minds eye daily. Feel the feeling of this goal being accomplished and allow the joy of this feeling to be part of your everyday experience. For those who are sceptical of Law of attractions effectiveness pertaining to a fitness goal. You need only read any of Arnold Schwarzenegger's fitness books where he states the importance of daily visualizations to his goal of becoming a multi-winning Mr. Olympia.

You will find after setting these goals and visualizing the outcome. That this goal is easy, seemingly effortless. Also, you will find that the path to this goal has already been laid out in front of you as if it has already been there. It may come in the form of a great personal trainer, or a great book that outlines a routine and diet or a new found appreciation for fitness. It does not matter how it comes to you, just know in your heart that it will.

This mentality not only works for health but it also works for wealth, relationships or happiness. No matter what your goal is, the steps are exactly the same. Set the goal, visualize it daily, believe it will come to life and let your inner self inspire your actions. So, the next time you look around and decide something is not to your liking remember the words of François-Anatole Thibault "To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe".

Joseph Anthony

1 comment:

  1. Believe is important in achieving goals. Law of Attraction does not manifest what we want if we do not believe and take an action. You have great Law of Attraction articles, keep writing them. It could be helping newbies.. :)


About Me

I am an author and proud member of New Thought Movement Publishing’s family of authors. My latest book “15 days to a beautiful life" is out and doing well. My latest title and collaboration project from "Chicken soup for the soul illustrator Steve Barr will be out this fall. You can find my titles and other great new thought authors at: My latest social movement has connected me with many people who help me with the task of reminding people to look with-in for their true essence. If you’re looking to get involved with this program go to: I can be found on numerous websites and my writings can be seen in many publications. You can goto the source of those articles at my blog which is syndicated in various publications. Http:// You can find my latest main stream project at which is also being shopped for syndication at:
