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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Are you smiling yet?

True happiness comes from being alive and no special circumstances are required for your happiness in a true state of bliss. This is the state of allowing, and is written about in this new age medium more times that we can mention. Obviously this task is something that will require a bit of work but no actions will be able to help you. This is an inward journey of forgiveness and honesty which is only achieved when you show yourself the compassion that you deserve. In my case it was not until I shifted my mental direction that I could accomplish this.
Imagine yourself on a winding road full of road blocks obstacles and traps.  If you look ahead you see no way to get across those obstacles. The road blocks are too high to climb, the obstacles are immovable and the traps are hidden well and are seemingly everywhere. There is no way to go forward, right? Did you think to turn around yet? There is nothing that blocks your journey in that direction because that path leads with-in; walking that path and you will eventually come to that same path full of all the challenges life has to offer. Except this time your simply walk right over it as your size and strength has increased a billion fold and those obstacles are  nothing more than a tickle on your proverbial foot of life.  This is the state of allowing!
Allowing is a term used to describe the mind set for blessings to be abundant in your life. It is easier to go with the current and allow nature to take you to your destination rather than fight against the current which leads you nowhere but to more struggles.  This is the eternal metaphor of life; you can easily allow everything you want in your life by going with the flow. As you are in charge of your own specific Universe and can control the way in which you live.
This is a choice and whether you accept this or not, “It Is”. Try this simple experiment; loose all your worries for one day, make a list of everything you are grateful for and take a vacation from negativity. See what that brings you, and then after this experiment is implemented in your life try it again for a week and then a month and eventually it will become effortless. Every journey always starts with one step, are you willing to take that step today?
Joseph Anthony 

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sound is not what you think it is!

Science is wonderful, I can’t get enough of it and it has been a major driving force in my life for many years. As a young child I started experimenting in chemistry, biology and physics which has served me well in many ways. As I got older my main focus was and still is quantum physics which much like any member of the scientific community forced me to re-evaluate the physical sciences and put a sub-atomic spin on all of them all.

There are some fundamental basics of this Quantum world which are undeniable and have been proven time and time again by modern science. Unfortunately for science their findings made them extremely uncomfortable because the atoms they were studying are completely unpredictable and have absolutely no physical explanation what so ever. This is where people like me, bridge quantum science with the spirit as an observer changes the behavior of the sub atomic world.

As strange as this may sound atoms are particles when not being observed but become waves when observed. That is because the person observing these atoms gives them form. It makes them be, taking into consideration that nothing physical exists outside of this sub-atomic world it is a serious question and it will prove to be the answer to how this illusion becomes reality. To complicate the matters even more they found that the brain does not even need to be cognitive during this observation to make it to be an active creator.

An extremely famous experiment mentioned in “What the bleep”. Had the nervous system timed to observe how fast the nerves get a physical sensation to the brain. What they found was that the brain receives this message before the event actually happens. What they concluded was that the brain was creating the experience rather than reacting to it.

Now I am going to apply this principle to sound, as sound is only known as a wave. This means when not observed it is a particle, a particle of possibility until we observe and create it. To answer that age old question about a tree falling in the woods and no one hears it does it make a sound this; If no one observes it, it did not fall nor did it make a sound as the observer creates every experience. This is also why “Abraham Hicks” calls everything with one or more person involved co-creating.

Sound uses the particles in the air and transforms them into waves. If you can accept this you will realize that we have the ability to control the subatomic world in a very direct way. This is also true for many things as thought has proven itself to be the prime creator of our world. It is the thought that inspires you to take a breath and it is also thought that inspires the words that come out of your mouth. This means we transform sound from the ether (sub atomic) and air, air carries the physical properties which can be measured and ether carries the properties that cannot. This is true duality at its best, existing in the spiritual and physical at the same time. Consequently, this is the same for everything that exists, including you.

This is very exciting for the students of the Law of Attraction as the evidence of the working parts of this system have become more and more scientifically credible. As quantum physics is becoming more of a main stream scientific fact than ever before. Companies such as Intel have been a public advocate of quantum research and they have known of this power for generations and have credited much of their success to their abundant research on Quantum Physics.

The law of attraction states you can change the events of your day by intention and the proper state of mind. Is this not what happens whenever we speak, or write or paint. Everything we perceive is our own creation and each individual is responsible for their individual Universe. Yes there are many Universes and it seems that each living being is the center of each one and they are all layered one on top of each other and expands in every direction at the same time making up a small part of what we know as source energy.

Source energy would be the creator they speak about in all the books written throughout time. This is not a shift in our perception of our creator it is a shift in perception about us. This makes us active creators of what we see and our creator must be way more incredible than we have given it credit for. When we accept our part as divinity we only give more glory to “all that is” and to do so will make us all evolve.

It is said we define the divine with-in our lives by the role we believe it plays. Personally, I suggest taking limits off of whom or what your creator is and allow it to reveal itself to you, as no one who exists or ever did exist, can show you the way to a personal relationship with your inner divine. Belief can be your greatest enemy or your best friend depending on what your mind set is. Change your thoughts and change your life!

Joseph Anthony
Author of 15 Days to a beautiful Life 

Monday, July 26, 2010

Love me or Hate me, it’s still an obsession!

At this point in my career there are many who have been exposed to my work and most of them are more than supportive and wonderful to the message in which we all agree can be said in many different ways.  My blog is syndicated on many websites and with many different types of readers and in case you haven’t noticed I keep my perspective neutral as I was taught to by Universal Law.  I am not trying to preach to the choir as they do not need my words to introduce them into a this healthier mindset as most of them are well on their way.
I write in a way that I do not step on someone’s beliefs so there is no “Free Will Hindrance” of any kind. You may say how anyone can do that? Anyone who has read the Law of Success or the other publications that speaks about suggestion, crowd assimilation or psychic imprints is perfectly capable of doing so. All one has to do is follow a specific formula and everyone will agree with you. The problem is eventually it will leave the some minds lost and confused when they discover the only path is their own personal one.
These are my beliefs as a teacher which is very important to me, I have seen what others who do what I do have done and they have made the mistake of trying to get people feel exactly how they do this has happened countless times. This will not happen this time, not with my publishing company and not with my words. So keep sending all that hate mail as those lower vibrations only tickle and besides if I am drawing up those types of emotions from you, I must be right about something.
If you are wondering who is so offended by my words. It is not a religious organization as I try to include every major religion as I have studied them all extensively. I draw much knowledge from my multi-faith friends who have shown me nothing but love. These beautifully eloquent e-mails come from the so called “New Age” I have gotten more hate mail from those who claim to be enlightened than anyone else. While this is the exception, I can no longer support their arrogance and egotism in the name of being right. This is the same thing that happened every time a new thought pattern arises. Not this time, as the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
Do not confuse this statement to mean the entire spiritual community, as all you need to do is visit my friends on or the wonderful group Artistic Therapy, who are paving the way for a healthy and wonderful tomorrow. 

I think the New Age arrogance is deep rooted in a sexist and racist mentality as the second I mention a great woman who inspired me or a wonderful dark skinned human who I adore. I get ripped to shreds while it is never out right said publicly it is not a secret via anonymous E-mail. You must admit it is a bit odd that my Joseph Campbell and George Harrison article received rave reviews (deservedly so). While my Mother Teresa and Sri Nisargadatta article was ripped to shreds by the new age community.  Then they wonder why no one new joins there organizations as they have brought the ideals they speak out against to their organizations.

My readers always come to defend these ridiculous statements when someone writes these things on my articles, as I do not check comments as often as I used to and I cannot even begin to relay the appreciation I have for them in doing so.  They should not have to deal with a negative situation as I am all about peace, love, positive thinking and creating well.

So, I have taken my gloves off and I will not hold back as I have always said that “The highest form of Love is Hell, as there is only one way to go”.  I will say to those who are truly spiritual, Thank You.
I will say to those who are bringing their barbaric judgment practices to the Spiritual Community your vibration is no longer in alignment with those of Love and by Universal Law your time for a healthy mind set is almost over. As the spiritual community is allowing the “I Am” to surface at a ludicrous speed (try to stay calm “Light-workers” it’s just a word I am not referring to the rapper).
As Lady Sovereign says; (oh no! Is he really going to quote another woman);
“Love me or Hate me it’s still an obsession. Love me or hate me that is the question.
 If you Love me than, Thank You and if you hate me then F$$$ You!”
Joseph Anthony
I have no affiliation nor am I being paid to endorse the for mentioned spiritual groups and people. I just think people with the right motives should be honored and this is my humble attempt to do so.
You can check out
Spiritual Networks at:
Artistic Therapy at:
Some other honorable mentions that didn’t fit in the flow of the article are;
JaiKaur’s Radio show
Denny Hagel and her wonderful book “Awakened Parenting”
FaceBook/Myspace/Gather groups and friends which are too many to list

Sunday, July 25, 2010

"You" vs. "the devil"

Sometimes honesty is averted to help the other parties involved cope with their reality. This is the fundamental issue with today’s world. The obsession with being right takes priority over new and innovative ideas. There are many reasons for this and the overall consensus of the Guru’s, enlightened and Philosophers is that this symptom is deeply rooted in fear.

It is not until we look fear in the face that we can understand that fear is a personal decision. The truth is; your negative emotions such as fear need to be faced and deflected. This comes from connection! Connection to what is a question you must ask yourself. As this is a personal journey and you are the only one who can go through it.

If you look back at Christian Religious text’s they state that all saints have to go through Hell and fight the “devil”. I will break down this myth in a few ways, as there is great value in this statement from a Metaphysical sense. Many saints spoke of the Universal Laws that I am speaking about; Saint Thomas Aquinas was one of the best known and knew the Law of Attraction as his innate relationship with the creator. 

As far as the Bullshit guy with a tail that he supposedly battled, doesn’t exist anywhere besides in the minds of man. Where the darkest aspects of yourself serve as your greatest teacher and should be appreciated for the contrast to view preference and has helped you make choices. Deepak Chopra has been quoted as saying that “Healthy People do not have the need for the devil”. As he took it one step further by saying belief in a source outside of you that makes things happen for good or bad dis-Empowers yourself.This all leads back to the acceptance of your role as the creator of your own reality.

This battle took place in Saint Thomas’ mind as he defeated his fears and insecurities to become a saint or enlightened being. This is also very evident in the amazing Mother Theresa who was not only enlightened but was the catholic religions biggest critic and went against the Vatican many times. To make a long story short she decided to show compassion to people of all belief systems and told the pope to shove it when she was instructed to only help Christians. Her saint hood was not because of her Catholic morals it was because of her bravery to stand up to anyone or anything that stood in her way of bringing love to people. She openly stated many times she followed Jesus' teachings and interpreted it in a metaphysical sense.

Enlightenment is not just a western Ideal as the parallels to both cultures are similar when you read the text's yourself and meditate on them in a personal and meaningful way. It is 2010 and whatever your excuse is loose it as it does not serve you anymore. Do not let others tell you what things mean to you. That is your decision to make!

Are you brave enough to stand up to your devil and become who you are? Are you still afraid of something that isn’t even there? Are you willing to look inside to find out what connection is?

Joseph Anthony

All that is true, by whomsoever it has been said has its origin in the Spirit. ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas

Because of the diverse conditions of humans, it happens that some acts are virtuous to some people, as appropriate and suitable to them, while the same acts are immoral for others, as inappropriate to them.~ Saint Thomas Aquinas

Well-ordered self-love is right and natural. ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas

Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person. ~ Mother Teresa

I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world. ~ Mother Teresa

If you judge people, you have no time to love them. ~ Mother Teresa

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. ~ Mother Teresa

Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love. ~ Mother Teresa

Friday, July 23, 2010

George Harrison, a lesson from a great master.

Things seem obvious to me, easy and effortless. The world, your daily errands and life, of course that was my decision and naturally  it can be yours too. There are many ways I can say that same sentence and it can mean an unlimited amount of things depending on your own personal views. This is why two eye witnesses can have an entirely different view of the same exact incident.
Many masters say to tread lightly on truth as some are not ready to hear your words and this truth can shatter a person from their very foundation. Even if they dismiss what you say, the observation of these truth's will not allow that person to be the same after this philosophical question is asked themselves.
Why are you here?
What is the meaning of life?
What is living all about?
I will not use my words here as a true Master has spoken about this subject so eloquently and even if you do not agree with me and you cannot argue with this man’s success. I am speaking of the extremely highly enlightened George Harrison formerly of the Beatles.  In his song the art of dying he puts it the best way I have ever heard anyone put it.

George gets it in a way very few did. He saw past physicality and saw past what many call reality. This is all about becoming better and evolving as spirits. Doing it over and over again to gain a higher consciousness through an eternal dance of Love and living.
The lyrics to this classic are below along with a link to the song. Enjoy a master doing what he does best, being himself. Thank you George for all the inspiration and  living the way you did. You have spread so much Joy which that will carry on for countless years. I have been greatly influenced by George and the way he lived his life. Thank You George! Wherever you are!
Joseph Anthony

The Art of Dying 
by George Harrision
There'll come a time when all of us must leave here
Then nothing sister Mary can do
Will keep me here with you
As nothing in this life that I've been trying
Could equal or surpass the art of dying
Do you believe me?

There'll come a time when all your hopes are fading
When things that seemed so very plain
Become an awful pain
Searching for the truth among the lying
And answered when you've learned the art of dying

But you're still with me
But if you want it
Then you must find it
But when you have it
There'll be no need for it

There'll come a time when most of us return here
Brought back by our desire to be
A perfect entity
Living through a million years of crying
Until you've realized the Art of Dying
Do you believe me?
Joseph Anthony

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Do whatever the F@#$ you want too!

Parenting is largely an instinctual (In-spirit) job and cannot be described by any single word. The Love from both titles and the job description is the same for the Male or Female Parent. Contrary to popular belief, this Ideology roots from the marriage process and the symbolic ritual that is designed to set the roles as such. Lucky for humanity Moms and Dads are changing the rules. There are two Moms sometimes, two Dads but the most common of these new situations is one Mom or one Dad.

Yes I am a dad and a Husband but we did it our way. We did not go to a church to be married as I do not believe in the Roman Catholic ideals which was my 1st theology and despite my success my family still follows that religion till this day. Although I have learned much from the texts they have put out but those who hand you the book have not shown their responsibility with the trust of others.

This also brings me back to the “RIGHT” to do whatever you want to do. It is when we ask for the acceptance of others that we run into problems. Two of my Gay friends asked me “Why it offends Straight people for Gay people to be married”? My response was Barbaric Dogma and Ideology in which your government has adopted. I say your government because I govern myself and if I was in that situation. I would create a new way of unionizing a personal relationship which is what we did by choice and not necessity.

There must be an evolution of the self in this process and the word “Marriage” needs to be New Thought as well. I do not think too many people care either way and are just reaching for the cheese doodles of life. Most people are only "fired up" when someone who knows how to speak in public proclaims the “evils” of personal choice.

The notion that the Dads “do this” and Moms “do that” is a barbaric notion rooted in a barbaric theology and system. This is a great example of a something in need of a New Thought renovation. 55 years ago moms had to be Donna Reed and Dads had to be disconnected from their kids this is still very much in practice in some people’s homes. Parenting must be based on a solid foundation of Love and not based on what your "Supposed" to be. Even if you do not agree with what I am saying you must agree that Children need a change in Parenting, Education, Government and Theology.

I have observed what has been going on in silence and I see what people are doing to themselves. Which I could care less about at this point, there is free will and just like I believe people should have all freedoms to do as they wish. I believe if they wish to self destruct, let them. You cannot change them as they have already chosen. I feel this way because there is nothing to worry about as even Death has been transcended by New Thought and truth has been shown to those who wish to see it.

The Native Americans have one of the greatest proverbs of all time.
“We do not inherit the Earth from our Parents; we borrow it from our Children”

This is not just a saying to save the earth. What this proverb means is that what we are thinking doing and the systems we have in place should be geared to the next generation and not remain in the antiquated systems of years past. Things change and tradition is wonderful thing in your home and your personal life but it has no place in systems that never really worked in the first place. You cannot argue the Native American’s ability to evolve and have a rich and beautiful culture of tradition. It is balance that needs to be restored and there are many ways in which those who wish to obtain this can balance can achieve this through their Inner Path.

Why do we stay true to all these systems that don’t work? That is a personal decision and when many more choose to be free. Undoubtedly a new system will arise, this is Benjamin Kidd’ s (A new thought Author) contention and he stated this over 150 years ago. He also stated that the views on women were in desperate need of change and the earth would not heal until the Matriarchal and Patriarchal societies are non-existence as these titles create unnecessary boundaries when we should be looking at our similarities such as our inner selves.

I wish I could say more as the state of your Universe is in your hands. This is up to each and every one of you in a personal and spiritual way. We have other choices and New Thought is leading the way to illuminating those choices.
Joseph Anthony

You can find out more about Benjamin Kidd and the other New Thought authors at;

15 Days to a beautiful Life Understanding God15 days to a beautiful life - Understanding God

Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Tribute to Bob Sheppard

There is an old Sports Bar trivia question;
Who is the only Man to play for the Giants, Yankees and Rangers?

The answer is Bob Sheppard and for those of you who do not know who this man is. He was the Announcer and organ player for the Yankees, Giants and Rangers and has been doing so since 1951. Now I am not a Ranger fan but my heart has a NY Yankee symbol on it and my blood is Giant Blue. This may sound odd coming from the New Thought Founder but it’s true. I have always had a healthy (at time obsessive) outlook on sports, and love to play till this day.

All kidding aside sports has been there for me since day one. When I dreamed and aspired as a child, I aspired to be great in sports and a super hero. Either creation is subject to interpretation but I like to think they both came true.
Naturally because Sports is such a huge part of my life, Mr. Bob Sheppard was too. A wonderful human being and the voice that announced Legends like Derek Jeter, Mickey Mantle, Joe DiMaggio, Roger Maris, Reggie Jackson, and Whitey Ford. All the for-mentioned are greatly responsible for a ton of inspiration and many smiles and maybe none as much as Bob.

Obviously Bob Dreamed Big and he gave us all something to focus on in our mind’s eye which is invaluable. I like every other kid has day dreamed exactly that and if I knew these Universal Laws as a younger child I would be the starting Line Backer and Clean Up hitter for the Giants and Yankees. Lucky for the world and the NFC East I didn’t choose that road but I do not wish to digress from the tribute.
Bob Sheppard was an exceptional professional and was respected by everyone in baseball, football and hockey. He was the Regis of sports, people loved to hear him announce their favorite players name and you had the chills every time he spoke. I will never forget the first time I heard Bob Sheppard’s voice and it was truly something unforgettable.

Although Bob has left his body I will tell anyone who lives near Yankee Stadium that you can still hear Bob announce your favorite player’s name. Derek Jeter asked bob to record his name and will only allow Bob to announce his name. Although I am sure they will show that on TV, it’s something that you should experience in person as it is a once in a life time opportunity.

But for now, those of you who know Bob feel free to insert your name where mine is and whatever number you like is fine. This one is for you BOB!
Now batting

Number 55;
Joseph Anthony;
Number 55

Saturday, July 10, 2010

City Boy - Country Boy - Enlightened Boy

As many of my readers know I recently moved from the hustle and bustle of NYC to the serenity of a more natural way of life in the sacred Native American mountains of Pennsylvania. Although I was not born Native American I have always said, the Native American Philosophy really and truly gets it as they leave a tremendous amount of room for a personal journey. I cannot help but feel connected to the land and the people that originally discovered this land thousands of years ago as without there heroic Journey this specific moment would not exist.

This move has brought my family wonderful Joy as my Son Loves it and thinks he is George of the Jungle and my wife’s seizures are becoming less and less, which is wonderful but I will attribute that to her personal journey and not her geographic location, although It is all part of it. It helps to know where the root of every solution comes from and respect the inner journey of others.

This move is a great decision all the way around and has even forced me to detoxify my body from the world of media. We have been without phone or cell phone service, internet, cable or any other form of technology. As wonderful as the end result of this was, it did not seem so at first as my work was shut down and telling an Indigo (as that is a small part of me but not to be confused with the greater sum) not to communicate is like telling the sun not to shine.

You may ask what I did for 2 weeks the first would be “freak out”. That was only one or 2 days, tops. Which surprised even me how addicted I was to my smart phone, lap top and Yankee games. Luckily I realized that the Universe was presenting me with an opportunity and I immediately began HEAVY meditation although the events held their-in is not for physical communication yet, I always take a great amount of time to sort out and only relay information that is tried, tested, true and can be communicated observing all the Universal laws of existence.

I cannot tell you what exactly happened because I do not know and when an experience is indefinable, I find there is a reason for that. Words are the worst form of communication and putting into words these events that take place on the realm of feeling is something that needs to be taken as that. I am someone trying to explain the non physical by explaining it in physical communication. Much can be misconstrued in this process. This is why I always say, See for yourself!

What I will tell you is that no matter where you are on the scale of enlightenment, there is always more to go as this is the premise behind eternity (a purposeful forever). I also discovered there is WAY more going on that I have never cared to contemplate and I will still probably leave this stuff to the esoteric of the world but I cannot deny the need for the exploration of this area as I will be (as always) heavily engaged in philosophy and walking the inner path.

Also, I am not certain how much truth there is in the un-connected but it seems like the chance for change is running out and something will be done to evolve (for lack of a better word) the self from this specific perspective and should not be confused with the end all be all. I am simply stating what the New Thought Teacher Napoleon Hill said;

“Do not compromise with your conscience because it will not be long until you have no conscience at all, for your conscience will fail to guide you just like an alarm clock will fail to awaken you if you do not heed it”
There is a new sheriff in town!

Joseph Anthony

About Me

I am an author and proud member of New Thought Movement Publishing’s family of authors. My latest book “15 days to a beautiful life" is out and doing well. My latest title and collaboration project from "Chicken soup for the soul illustrator Steve Barr will be out this fall. You can find my titles and other great new thought authors at: My latest social movement has connected me with many people who help me with the task of reminding people to look with-in for their true essence. If you’re looking to get involved with this program go to: I can be found on numerous websites and my writings can be seen in many publications. You can goto the source of those articles at my blog which is syndicated in various publications. Http:// You can find my latest main stream project at which is also being shopped for syndication at:
