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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Do whatever the F@#$ you want too!

Parenting is largely an instinctual (In-spirit) job and cannot be described by any single word. The Love from both titles and the job description is the same for the Male or Female Parent. Contrary to popular belief, this Ideology roots from the marriage process and the symbolic ritual that is designed to set the roles as such. Lucky for humanity Moms and Dads are changing the rules. There are two Moms sometimes, two Dads but the most common of these new situations is one Mom or one Dad.

Yes I am a dad and a Husband but we did it our way. We did not go to a church to be married as I do not believe in the Roman Catholic ideals which was my 1st theology and despite my success my family still follows that religion till this day. Although I have learned much from the texts they have put out but those who hand you the book have not shown their responsibility with the trust of others.

This also brings me back to the “RIGHT” to do whatever you want to do. It is when we ask for the acceptance of others that we run into problems. Two of my Gay friends asked me “Why it offends Straight people for Gay people to be married”? My response was Barbaric Dogma and Ideology in which your government has adopted. I say your government because I govern myself and if I was in that situation. I would create a new way of unionizing a personal relationship which is what we did by choice and not necessity.

There must be an evolution of the self in this process and the word “Marriage” needs to be New Thought as well. I do not think too many people care either way and are just reaching for the cheese doodles of life. Most people are only "fired up" when someone who knows how to speak in public proclaims the “evils” of personal choice.

The notion that the Dads “do this” and Moms “do that” is a barbaric notion rooted in a barbaric theology and system. This is a great example of a something in need of a New Thought renovation. 55 years ago moms had to be Donna Reed and Dads had to be disconnected from their kids this is still very much in practice in some people’s homes. Parenting must be based on a solid foundation of Love and not based on what your "Supposed" to be. Even if you do not agree with what I am saying you must agree that Children need a change in Parenting, Education, Government and Theology.

I have observed what has been going on in silence and I see what people are doing to themselves. Which I could care less about at this point, there is free will and just like I believe people should have all freedoms to do as they wish. I believe if they wish to self destruct, let them. You cannot change them as they have already chosen. I feel this way because there is nothing to worry about as even Death has been transcended by New Thought and truth has been shown to those who wish to see it.

The Native Americans have one of the greatest proverbs of all time.
“We do not inherit the Earth from our Parents; we borrow it from our Children”

This is not just a saying to save the earth. What this proverb means is that what we are thinking doing and the systems we have in place should be geared to the next generation and not remain in the antiquated systems of years past. Things change and tradition is wonderful thing in your home and your personal life but it has no place in systems that never really worked in the first place. You cannot argue the Native American’s ability to evolve and have a rich and beautiful culture of tradition. It is balance that needs to be restored and there are many ways in which those who wish to obtain this can balance can achieve this through their Inner Path.

Why do we stay true to all these systems that don’t work? That is a personal decision and when many more choose to be free. Undoubtedly a new system will arise, this is Benjamin Kidd’ s (A new thought Author) contention and he stated this over 150 years ago. He also stated that the views on women were in desperate need of change and the earth would not heal until the Matriarchal and Patriarchal societies are non-existence as these titles create unnecessary boundaries when we should be looking at our similarities such as our inner selves.

I wish I could say more as the state of your Universe is in your hands. This is up to each and every one of you in a personal and spiritual way. We have other choices and New Thought is leading the way to illuminating those choices.
Joseph Anthony

You can find out more about Benjamin Kidd and the other New Thought authors at;

15 Days to a beautiful Life Understanding God15 days to a beautiful life - Understanding God

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About Me

I am an author and proud member of New Thought Movement Publishing’s family of authors. My latest book “15 days to a beautiful life" is out and doing well. My latest title and collaboration project from "Chicken soup for the soul illustrator Steve Barr will be out this fall. You can find my titles and other great new thought authors at: My latest social movement has connected me with many people who help me with the task of reminding people to look with-in for their true essence. If you’re looking to get involved with this program go to: I can be found on numerous websites and my writings can be seen in many publications. You can goto the source of those articles at my blog which is syndicated in various publications. Http:// You can find my latest main stream project at which is also being shopped for syndication at:
