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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Solstice Earth’s Natural Rhythm

There is not a single animal alive today which does not go with the flow of nature. An ant does not try to live underwater and instead chooses to go with its natural inherent abilities and borough through the dirt to form colonies. It increases its life expectancy a great deal by going with nature instead of trying to be a fish. Everything from the body to the stars is part of the dance of life and intern the dance of changing perspectives.

Einstein said “Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better”.

Although seemingly passive in statement, it may be leading us to something equally as important as his technological advances were. There is a great connection between nature and man, and this unmistakable truth can be proven in one statement; we would not exist in this place at this time without mother earth. 

A long time ago man figured out that there were great days of immense difference. The Solstice being one of them had noticeable natural differences and it played a huge role in ancient cultures around the globe. 

According to Native American wisdom it is best to stay on the natural rhythms of the earth and they are not only referring to the solstice but using the light of day to mark sleeping patterns as well. While I don’t think many are willing to go to bed at sunset I think acknowledging this day as some sort of a marker may help your subconscious flow with the energy of nature.  

I spent a great deal of my life as a fitness fanatic, and a Master Personal Trainer/ Success Coach. I can tell you with 100% certainty that everyone’s body is on a revolving cycle. I can go as far as telling you that every 7 - 8 years (depending who you ask) your body has completely replaced every cell in your body. I can also tell you that when someone uses an 8 day rotating workout schedule, it has proven itself far more effective than a 7 day routine. 

When we pay attention to the rhythms of the planet and the rhythms of the mind, body and spirit we put our fingers on the pulse of the Universe and our desires. The earth does not hide anything; everything it has is there for you to see. Last night we had a full moon eclipse which hasn't happened since 1638 and in case you missed that event. Tonight (12/21/10) is the solstice, so you can take advantage and look deep into tonight’s solstice sky and as Einstein would say then you will understand everything better.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Ultimate Pep Talk, Be grateful you’re alive

Let’s just take a moment and evaluate our lives. Look at the world as an opportunity to live and not a waiting room for what is to come. When we start to look at the purpose of each day and each moment we start to become grateful for the things we are given in the opportunity of living. If you stub your toe be grateful there is a toe to stub, if you are going to work be grateful you have somewhere to go.      

Life is a gift and living is an opportunity. This rollercoaster is what you make of it so make the most of every moment. Anton Chekhov said that “Man is what he believes” and those five words sum up the human experience better than a 1000 page book could. We can only do great things if we have the belief we can, so live in the now and enjoy the ride; you can achieve great things if you believe you can.  

Do not look to the sky or to your neighbors, look in the mirror and mark your progress in the person who was standing there the day before. Achieve great things the second you arise by arising with an empowered feeling of infinite possibilities and the promise of a new day. You are the coach, player and spectator, play well, be well and most of all, be grateful you’re alive.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Not another Positive thinking cliché

Positive thinking has a billion clichés about glasses being half full, rainbows and all sorts of cute things. While wonderfully helpful as a child, when we become adults we must convince the rational mind to adopt this philosophy in a more direct and logical way. Take the Law of Attraction out of this argument as this spiritual aspect does not speak directly to the mind and is more of a symptom of a healthy mind than the cause of it. 

If we only take control of what we are in control of we would eliminate pretty much everything but thoughts. As this is where your true power and control of your physical life is formed. When the mind is under stressed thoughts it goes into fight or flight mode, releases high doses of the cortisol (a fat storing and physiologically damaging chemical released by the body) and will cause physical and mental havoc on your mind and body. This is why stress seems to age a person very rapidly and cause a very pessimistic and jaded attitude towards life.

The good news is; this is a choice and you can choose to start looking at the glass half full and start seeing the rainbow in the sky if you choose to see it.  It may take some time as you probably have lived your entire life not keeping track of better feeling thoughts but when you start to do so, it will get easier as time goes on until it eventually becomes second nature. Then your mind and body will become much healthier. And if you use the Law of Attraction to your benefit, this is when your manifestations will come into your physical existence.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Diversity is the Key to a New Earth

There is no debating there is a tremendous amount of diversity on this planet. You can go to any major city and see all different types of faces, theologies and interests.  Diversity is natural, as there are millions of species living on this planet, there have been millions of trillions of moments on this planet and collectively all of these moments of diverse experience makes up the life experience of a collective humanity.

There can be no uniformity in humanity nor should there be, as when faced with the same thought process everything becomes stagnant at best. If not for the free thinking Einstein’s, Galileo’s and Dr. Wayne Dyer’s of this world. We would be a much less knowledgeable planet. Great thoughts do not come from Uniformity and no one has ever heard of those who are just like the rest, because those who do not free their minds are nothing to mention.

This is not to say that we must reinvent the rocket to be great as there are many ways to find this outside the box mentality in our daily lives. Just by living a life of Joy and Happiness is breaking the cycle of the norm. If you look for purpose in every situation then you are undoubtedly great and one of a select group of thinkers who will be on the fore-front of what promises to be a new earth.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Develop your Progress Instincts

Positive thought leads to positive action which always leads to positive results. It doesn’t matter if your building a house or buying groceries a positive expectation will lead to a positive experience. Canceling out tendencies to let your mind wander in to the worst case scenario will allow your subconscious mind to free itself from limited outcomes.

If you think about the unlimited possibilities of life and the fraction of a second timing that is involved with circumstance. You can understand how leaving your house a minute earlier may lead to a chance encounter or a run in with good fortune. It is when someone limits the mind by assuming everything is not going to work out that day that they do not open themselves to the beautiful events that make up our daily life.

This barbaric mentality is a function of our savage past and our fight or flight tendencies but there must come a point where we must relax the survival instincts and develop the progress instincts. It serves no purpose to have the instincts of a cave man as we are far removed from our genetic roots. We are not in competition with our environment or our neighbors; we are in a never ending race for personal and global progress.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy Equinox: A lesson from nature

Today is the Fall Equinox and it is not only a day that has been observed by countless traditions as a Holiday. It’s a day of balance; as the day and night have equal shares of the day. Looking at this from a Yin and Yang perspective you can see why observing this balance was important to the ancients as the sky is all they knew.

Now we know many things and have many new technologies which has advanced our frontiers of science but it also made the sky less of an awe inspiring mystery as it once was. Just because we have a grasp on what the stars are and why the sun sets and rises in the way it does, does not mean it should be any less wondrous or celebrated.

It is when we appreciate what is natural that civilization truly becomes civilized. The admiration of the circumstances that has brought us to this place is what we lost when we quantified the cosmos. This brought man to a feeling of above the natural and not a part of it. Maybe the ancients were not so wrong by celebrating these natural events, maybe if we can appreciate the day for what it is then we will have an appreciation for ourselves and who we are.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It is time to let go of your mistakes

We carry many things with us throughout the day, our wallets, cell phones and keys which are helpful tools for our adult lifestyle. But what if we carried around a blender, microwave and toaster with us as well? It would be pointless as it is not only unnecessary but would be a huge burden to lug around every day.

This is much like the mistakes you made in the past events of your life that you carry around completely unnecessarily. Many people carry around a huge amount of baggage for mistakes of their past, most of that baggage have already served its purpose and should be filed in the lesson learned bin. Mistakes happen as they are supposed to; Thomas Edison failed thousands of times before harnessing electricity. Babe Ruth struck out thousands of times yet we all know of his successes. Neither of them accomplished these great tasks by focusing and dwelling on their failures. They learned from it, let it go and moved on.

For some, they wear mistakes like a scarlet letter and it may not be as easy to let go of this negative mental sludge, but there are ways to encourage this transition. Write a list of everything you feel you messed up with, look at it intently and write what positive things you took out of those experiences. Make peace with those events and thank them for bringing you to the moment you’re living right now. Then destroy the list and with that destruction of paper know that they are gone and forgiven forever in your heart. Now, it is time to let go and make a list of all the victories you have achieved as well as all the things you’re grateful for; feel free to carry that around, as that will fit easily in your pocket and will serve you well.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

We all have the ability to choose Greatness

We all have the ability to love, no matter where you come from or what you have done. Even if you look at the worst among us you will find some love for something somewhere. As even Hitler loved dogs and we can all agree that he was a bit cranky to say the least. There is Love inside of each of us, but it is where we choose to place it that is important.

We all have the ability to do great things; we can look at a 6th grade educated man in Henry Ford and find that he accomplished so many things, that at his peak; He was the most powerful man of his time. There is a great power inside of us and it is summoned by our own will, it is when we choose to summon it that truly counts.

We all have the ability to laugh in the face of fear using the example of Jim Carrey who went from living in a van to being one of the biggest stars of TV and Movies. Crediting his ability to keep his heart light through those times he emerged into becoming a great success. There is great value as laughing in the face of fear and becoming great is always an option.

We all have the ability to do whatever it is we choose by looking at things differently. You can choose to love, be successful and brave, if you have the will to do so. As humanity comes to a cross road in their minds, what will you choose. Do you know there is a choice?

It is time to lose your reasoning and restore yourself to your truest form. The form we were always meant to take as Kings and Queens of our own lives. It is easy to count yourself amongst the walking dead and give in, but to those who choose to walk your own path, Bravo!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

30 Days of Gratitude

We can have love in our hearts, peace and harmony. This is a birth right and not something we have to struggle for. Things like this are as simple as a thought, a kind gesture or a smile. We must center ourselves to find happiness and this all starts and ends with self-love.

I know that many people find it easy to love our children, our spouses and friends and this task is much easier then it is to love one’s self. This great love for our families is more than understood but Love is in abundance and there is more than enough room in your heart for yourself.

Start falling in love with yourself again; start by making a list of all the things you appreciate about yourself. Let the gratitude you feel for yourself shine today and then carry it over to the next day. Then make another list and find more things you love about yourself. Then once you have filled yourself with self love, make a list of what you appreciate in your home and then your city, country, world and Universe, always including the prior categories.

When we start to focus on what’s right we start to see our mind, body and spirits uplift and become in a greater state of peace. So, let’s call upon ourselves to take 30 days to write these gratitude lists and mark your results. See how much better your life becomes and how that being grateful sends a wave of more things to be grateful for in your life. This will imprint and run new thought patterns through your sub-conscious mind, which will in tern cause, all your actions to be the correct ones.

You have nothing to lose by doing this; and you have gratitude and a new positive frame of mind to gain. It seems that humanity has tried many things throughout history, and even more so, how many things have you personally tried to improve your life. Most, if not all of these things have cost you way more than 5 minutes and a piece of paper.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Humanity: The Importance of Unity

There are many ways to define the same thing and depending on where you are coming from, the light that reflects upon the situation will make the same thing look drastically different. Understanding this is one of the most important principles the learning experience called life can give to you. If we cannot respect the fact that each person goes through their journey individually then we must at least agree to keep our judgments to ourselves and allow future generations to see the world through their own eyes.

New Age Spirituality tells us that judgments do not serve man; it only prevents the unity needed to achieve amazing things. By focusing on differences instead of similarities we prove the ignorance of the self and intern separate each one of us from the foundation of civilization, grouping ourselves to accomplish greater tasks and thus encourage a higher rate of human survival.

Now that we are no longer are in need of protecting ourselves from the beast of this planet and we do not needed to hunt for our own food anymore, it seems that there is no need for unity. When in fact there is a great need for unity of all people. When we come together and open our hearts and minds (not to accept others values as our own) but to hold a new respect; that a person holds their values close to their hearts in the same way that you do. Then we can break bread together and unity shall begin, and intern humanity will see a great reduction in conflict and a serious jump in technological, philosophical and social advancement.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Free your Mind

When you’re a little kid, your Mother or Father told you the boundaries of how far away from the house you can go. It is only valid if you observe these rules and stay on the designated street in which your parents would allow you to go that gives their words power. At that point in time they are the only authority and although these boundaries are set up for your protection, you never listened to them anyway.

This is much in the same way that traffic signs, street markings and parking lines work. They are only powerful if we choose to observe these boundaries and agree to use them. Those little yellow lines on the floor have no power, it is the observer who gives it power by not parking on top of them.

This is true for our minds as well, if we impose boundaries on our thoughts then we put boundaries upon what we can achieve as these boundaries become so embedded in our sub-conscious mind that it is no wonder so many people fear what they do not understand. Free thinking is a liberty that no one can take away and regardless of what you think thoughts actually are. You have complete control over your own thoughts and where you allow your mind to go, making your mind a sacred space in which no one but you can set the boundaries.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Spirituality and Finances: Are you yielding the wrong sword?

There was a point in human history when man took battle in armor and yielded their swords to defeat each other. Although barbaric, it was the way things were and if you did not pick up a sword and defend your homeland then you would be subject to an invasion.

In modern times although somewhat more civilized, the new battle game is played with finances as this time the sword that needs to be carried is not so easily identified. It is like competing in a game of chess while you are playing a game of checkers. The rules are not the same and there is no way to compete if you’re not even playing the right game.

This has been carried out and continued by mirroring this financial warfare which has taken place in more organizations than can be listed and scholars often say it dates back to roman times as taxes were forced upon it's citizens. Although, we cannot blame this financial warfare entirely on any organizations, as it has been allowed to go on through out many generations, who failed gain enough power to do things any other way.

Thus, the major flaw of new age spirituality, thinking that adapting to the rules of the game is not necessary. When it absolutely is, take a look at all the best, brightest and most influential names in spirituality; Dr. Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Abraham Hicks, Bob Proctor, Dr. Fred Alan Wolf, each one is beyond wealthy as they are spiritually and bodily fulfilled (what is above as below). This is because they all know that it is important to make peace with where you are and play by the rules set forth, as a huge consensus would be needed to change the rules at this point.

A great example of this truth can be taken by the Mohegan Tribe, a culture whose spirituality is considered a great influence to New Age-ers, as they are responsible for many four-fathering notions of new thought. When the English invaded their territory, Chief Uncas was faced with the task of preserving the sovereignty of his nation. So instead of fighting with weapons he decided to go the path of cooperation.

The Mohegan tribe is still thriving till this day, and they have provided yet another new age lesson; that those who wish to make anything positive happen and wish to have any sort of power. Should play the game that is being played and not to play your own game and expect those who are playing and winning at their game, to come and play yours.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lose your leaders and follow your own heart, this is true enlightenment

Spirituality is a huge title and encompasses a wide variety of eclectic views of faith. This is the basis of new age spirituality the freedom to walk one’s own path and be one’s own teacher. Although this definition is grossly misunderstood; what remains constant is the understanding to keeping one’s feet on one’s own path.

When someone is truly spiritual they realize that their only teacher is their inner self and that teacher will lead them to the appropriate information and life experiences needed for enlightenment. This is the most accurate definition of free will and if it was observed properly there would be no war or conflict and a mass library of human learning stretching across all faiths would be formed.

This is an issue that stretches across all continents and even those that call themselves enlightened are subject to this flaw. The feeling of living the truth is not confirmed by numbers nor is it something that a true enlightened master would take liberties with. Follow no one and ask no one to follow you, this is an individual journey made by individuals and no one can experience your life but you, and no one knows anything about you but you. Lose your leaders and follow your own heart, this is true enlightenment!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Are Thoughts living?

If you have every picked up an Abraham Hicks book or DVD you know that their teachings may not be for everyone. Many people have very strong opinions on their methods of teaching and the way they present themselves. But regardless of what you think of them and other teachers like them such as Ramtha. You have to give them credit for inspiring thought and starting the conversation on the higher teachings of the law of attraction and ultimately spirituality. After all isn’t that what this new thought movement is all about; questioning the way we think, how we perceive reality and the constantly evolving personal philosophy of everything.

Studying any subject is a personal choice and such is important to remember at this moment; as if ignorance is bliss to you; then read no further. As many do not feel that way and the quest for knowledge supersedes the comforts of conformity.

Abraham Hicks said something beyond interesting she said that "When you think a thought, immediately the thought starts to think". If we allow our mind to run with this idea and question this statement we must question existence all together. As if quantum science was not mysterious enough we now are asked to roll the notion of thoughts being living things. So if thoughts are living and thoughts become reality in some form or another, then what is a thought actually? A soul? A spirit? A wave of energy? All of the above? What does that make our spirits? Did we start off as thoughts and are now physical manifestations of those thoughts, and who thought them?

This is a huge notion and whether you accept it or not it is in your best interests to explore the possibilities of that statement, as questioning things are becoming more and more important in today’s society. Every leading edge theory that has ever been accepted started and sounded just as strange as this. If you look through the pages of time you will find many examples of this.

What is truly important and what the point of the article is; not whether it is correct or not but that we are brave enough to kick around this notion in our minds. This is what is important questioning everything which will allow you to become your own teacher and you will never steer yourself in the wrong direction.

Monday, August 30, 2010

What you can do right now to change the world

Mother Teresa said “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier” and “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other”. Wonderful words from an extraordinary women. She encouraged everyone to be kind to each other, themselves and love unconditionally and truth be told she lived these words to the letter.

We can take these lessons of kindness and Love and apply it to the entire world encouraging everyone one to help one another. But until we issue ourselves that type of kindness then we are of no use to humanity as each and every one of us are connected, and it would serve humanity best to love yourself then help others love themselves. It would be like a pauper donating to charity, a wonderful gesture, yet not very practical or helpful.

We must love ourselves and them we can love others, you do humanity a great injustice be thinking lowly of yourself and psychologically speaking you will innately turn the views of the self into a projected negative view of others. We must be like a glass or water, as the water fills to the top it can then overflow to others.

We must all make a pledge each and every day to do something kind to ourselves, treat ourselves or do something you love. And then do something kind for another, someone you barely know would spread peace most effectively. It could be as simple as a smile or a conversation but whatever you do take the words stated at the beginning of this article to heart. Only this time you will be filled with enough self love to give your abundance of love away freely.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Love of "Our Creator"; a great lesson taught by our children

When you become a parent there is a love you feel for your child that cannot be described by words. They mean everything to you; they are your sun, moon and starts. This sentiment stretches across every nation and every religion to every theology and every parent. No one can argue that we all love our kids.

Even uncles, aunts, cousins and friends know the joy a child brings to people’s lives and how that joy radiates from the parents at all times. Except for the 3 AM feedings but don’t worry, that doesn’t last too long. There is also a great philosophical lesson to be learned by the little ones as they serve as a living example of many great truths.

If we think about whatever created us “The Creator” and the motions it set into place. What would the divine lesson and purpose of children be; their lives are a wonderful parallel to how our Creator feels about us, its children.

If we analyze this smaller cycle of life and parenting we see that children are pretty much on their own, you cannot teach them how to crawl or walk or even chew. Sure you provide all the things they need for life and give them almost anything they want (as long as it is in their best interests), but ultimately they have to figure it out on their own. They are not even sure what you’re talking about most of the time and when they do, they don’t pay much attention to you anyway. Ultimately the things that are most important to their survival are figured out on their own.

The purpose of all this is to show us (in a very small way) the way our creator feels towards us. The Love and pride the Creator must feel to watch our first steps, to see us grow as people, spirits and a family. When we unite and understand that the words in our books pale to the lessons of life as our creator has set forth every lesson we need to learn in our everyday experience; then we do the greatest honor to ourselves and our creator by growing as individuals and as a whole.

These lessons much like a baby as she crawls. Is something that must figure out on your own but until then; the Creator will watch and cheer it’s creations on and teach us it’s love by giving us the choice to experience it first hand through our own children. There is no favorite son or daughter only equal love for all children and even if you have left home to explore, your Creator will always love you more than words can say.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

John Lennon; His words will echo in time forever

When John Lennon said, in the classic song "Imagine";

Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

He was not only telling you about an idealistic world he was putting forth in his mind’s eye, but also a philosophy that very few understand till this day. He broke down the fundamental principles of new thought in this brilliant 3 minute song. The Beatles in general spoke of these principles especially after their time with the famous Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. But this song really hits the hearts of many as the song has many levels of truth and speaks volumes of John's ability as a song writer.

He was suggesting that we Live in this moment, and strive for the betterment of mankind, and not to do this because of a reward or punishment that awaits you after you leave this physical reality. He understood the Universal connection of all living beings and not to be afraid of exploring the self. Which many scholars agree that the concept of hell and it’s theoretical placement below our beings is a way of deterring self exploration as looking inward is titled as looking below the self, where Hell supposedly exists.

To continue the song and words of true knowledge from the immortal John Lennon, they are continued below. Truly allow your mind to analyze what he is trying to tell you as only he could.

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Universe in a nut shell, A New Thought Theory of Everything

What if we combine all the known new age philosophy, quantum and metaphysical theories in such a way where they all complement each other and work in harmony with the known scientifically theories of the universe. Then the understanding of these principles would look something like this:

We are all in charge of our own individual universe and digital physics would be the interpretation of what we are viewing as other peoples individual Universes. You must abide by the laws set forth in that persons individual Universe while engaged with in their Universe. This would explain the parallel Universe theory which has become so popular and how the law of attraction works without impinging on free will.

This is also where the Law of attraction would make the most sense, because if you can control everything around you with your mind (including others actions towards you) then when someone else enters into your experience they are subject to your beliefs about your specific Universe and events their-in. Giving you full control of visiting beings and this will dictate that nothing that does not match your specific vibration can enter. And if it does force itself upon you and your free will, then it would be subject to the law of increasing returns and be in vibration alignment to the same infringement in their personal Universe. Some call this karma but titles are not important to the purpose of this article.

So if we take our Universe and obtain complete control of all that is; as it is suggested by quantum physics that we create everything outside of ourselves. Then we are truly masters of the Universe and intern must be beings of great power. As creation is a huge undertaking for any being, be it a cup of coffee or a Universe.
So, what of our Creator? Then whatever we are living in that allows us to be this being of power; must be something so great that we would not be able to conceptualize this immense entity. If nature is any indication of what our creator would be then it would not sit still long enough for it to be defined as evolution is a natural binding principle.

The Universe in a nut shell is an utter mystery; but we must break the chains of what we once thought. People have always stood corrected in matters of things that seem larger than them. We must realize that the earth was considered flat until someone had the bravery to say it was not and follow their hearts to prove this truth. By not encouraging thought, we encourage stagnation and if nature and history is any indication of what we are. Then we are meant to evolve and grow both as individual Universes and as a collective consciousness.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

All organizations need to step up for World Peace

Those who lay idle while the world cries for peace must reap the benefits of war. So, we plead the case for peace as there is no magic button to stop war. If we look at it realistically we can achieve this with-in a generation or two by instilling the concept of peace and tolerance to the younger generations. Much in the same way religious and social ideals are imprinted in a Child's brain before the age of 13. So who better to start a world peace movement than those who already have the trust of the children and are masters at this technique?

I think that people want peace so much that one of these days government had better get out of their way and let them have it.~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

It has been written in Napoleon Hill's Famous Book "The Law of Success" that in order to achieve peace the imprinted intolerant views must be destroyed at the start. By holding the prestige of war and the impossibility of peace as a virtue, we ensure this will never take place. Although, if every religion, school and organization took a vow to teach every child the value and birth right of peace, then it would be a drastically different world in 30 years. As these children would have a peace first mind set embedded in their heads.

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. ~ Mother Teresa

Let’s call a spade a spade and demand that we see an all out effort of peace with-in all organized groups. As almost all organizations declare they are for peace, yet do very little to promote this. Even if you hold no affiliation to any organization and choose to govern yourself, you owe it to those who come after you and logic to speak to your children about peace as it is senseless to kill people over idle differences.

Peace and friendship with all mankind is our wisest policy, and I wish we may be permitted to pursue it. ~ Thomas Jefferson

Get in touch with the organizations you choose to associate yourself with and see what they say. If this movement never takes off with-in your specific organization. Then there is only one reason as; those who lay idle while the world cries for peace must reap the benefits of war.

Emotional Addictions and their effects on society

Do you ever watch Professional Wrestling? Let’s suspend our opinions on this subject for the point of this article. As the operation of these organizations are as unique as the form of entertainment or so it seems. Most nights you can see these flamboyant and fictional characters beating the hairs off each others heads. You find them talking trash, psychologically and physically abusing each other in and out of the ring, or so it seems.
If you go back stage, you will see a completely different story as enemies are actually very good friends. They respect each other; know each other and the atmosphere is one of a loving family. They know they are putting on a show for the public enjoyment; and it is never taken in a personal or malicious way.

Much is the same in society, you find many rivals that are in the same business and also have the same agenda, putting on a grand show for the sake of the public. You watch these rivals arguing and arguing but what really gets done, absolutely nothing as this show is much like professional Wrestling, for the public's sake only, and despite how real it looks, the wining party was decided back stage.

At the end of the day they are all really on the same page and as long as the public thinks there is struggle there is a show to provide their need for drama. It’s an emotional addiction by the observers and their addiction to complaining is always a symptom of this. When the masses lose their addiction to negative circumstances then this show will turn into productivity, as those who are in the spotlight will need to shift their mentality.

This is the basis of new thought, instead of blaming everyone else for your negative feelings. Change it inside of yourself and remove this drama addiction from your consciousness. Then this change will add to the collective sentiment. Remember, you cannot unify if you are observing separation, look at your opponent’s desires, see that they are much like yours and find a common understanding where everyone is satisfied.

You are only here 100 years at most and if you can’t be a positive influence on this planet for the short time you are visiting. Then at least, do not interfere in anyone's happiness. Look inside of yourself and find out how you can break your negative addiction and then when enough people do this, society will loose their need for conflict.

About Me

I am an author and proud member of New Thought Movement Publishing’s family of authors. My latest book “15 days to a beautiful life" is out and doing well. My latest title and collaboration project from "Chicken soup for the soul illustrator Steve Barr will be out this fall. You can find my titles and other great new thought authors at: My latest social movement has connected me with many people who help me with the task of reminding people to look with-in for their true essence. If you’re looking to get involved with this program go to: I can be found on numerous websites and my writings can be seen in many publications. You can goto the source of those articles at my blog which is syndicated in various publications. Http:// You can find my latest main stream project at which is also being shopped for syndication at:
