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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy Equinox: A lesson from nature

Today is the Fall Equinox and it is not only a day that has been observed by countless traditions as a Holiday. It’s a day of balance; as the day and night have equal shares of the day. Looking at this from a Yin and Yang perspective you can see why observing this balance was important to the ancients as the sky is all they knew.

Now we know many things and have many new technologies which has advanced our frontiers of science but it also made the sky less of an awe inspiring mystery as it once was. Just because we have a grasp on what the stars are and why the sun sets and rises in the way it does, does not mean it should be any less wondrous or celebrated.

It is when we appreciate what is natural that civilization truly becomes civilized. The admiration of the circumstances that has brought us to this place is what we lost when we quantified the cosmos. This brought man to a feeling of above the natural and not a part of it. Maybe the ancients were not so wrong by celebrating these natural events, maybe if we can appreciate the day for what it is then we will have an appreciation for ourselves and who we are.

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About Me

I am an author and proud member of New Thought Movement Publishing’s family of authors. My latest book “15 days to a beautiful life" is out and doing well. My latest title and collaboration project from "Chicken soup for the soul illustrator Steve Barr will be out this fall. You can find my titles and other great new thought authors at: My latest social movement has connected me with many people who help me with the task of reminding people to look with-in for their true essence. If you’re looking to get involved with this program go to: I can be found on numerous websites and my writings can be seen in many publications. You can goto the source of those articles at my blog which is syndicated in various publications. Http:// You can find my latest main stream project at which is also being shopped for syndication at:
