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Monday, September 27, 2010

Diversity is the Key to a New Earth

There is no debating there is a tremendous amount of diversity on this planet. You can go to any major city and see all different types of faces, theologies and interests.  Diversity is natural, as there are millions of species living on this planet, there have been millions of trillions of moments on this planet and collectively all of these moments of diverse experience makes up the life experience of a collective humanity.

There can be no uniformity in humanity nor should there be, as when faced with the same thought process everything becomes stagnant at best. If not for the free thinking Einstein’s, Galileo’s and Dr. Wayne Dyer’s of this world. We would be a much less knowledgeable planet. Great thoughts do not come from Uniformity and no one has ever heard of those who are just like the rest, because those who do not free their minds are nothing to mention.

This is not to say that we must reinvent the rocket to be great as there are many ways to find this outside the box mentality in our daily lives. Just by living a life of Joy and Happiness is breaking the cycle of the norm. If you look for purpose in every situation then you are undoubtedly great and one of a select group of thinkers who will be on the fore-front of what promises to be a new earth.

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About Me

I am an author and proud member of New Thought Movement Publishing’s family of authors. My latest book “15 days to a beautiful life" is out and doing well. My latest title and collaboration project from "Chicken soup for the soul illustrator Steve Barr will be out this fall. You can find my titles and other great new thought authors at: My latest social movement has connected me with many people who help me with the task of reminding people to look with-in for their true essence. If you’re looking to get involved with this program go to: I can be found on numerous websites and my writings can be seen in many publications. You can goto the source of those articles at my blog which is syndicated in various publications. Http:// You can find my latest main stream project at which is also being shopped for syndication at:
