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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Emotional Addictions and their effects on society

Do you ever watch Professional Wrestling? Let’s suspend our opinions on this subject for the point of this article. As the operation of these organizations are as unique as the form of entertainment or so it seems. Most nights you can see these flamboyant and fictional characters beating the hairs off each others heads. You find them talking trash, psychologically and physically abusing each other in and out of the ring, or so it seems.
If you go back stage, you will see a completely different story as enemies are actually very good friends. They respect each other; know each other and the atmosphere is one of a loving family. They know they are putting on a show for the public enjoyment; and it is never taken in a personal or malicious way.

Much is the same in society, you find many rivals that are in the same business and also have the same agenda, putting on a grand show for the sake of the public. You watch these rivals arguing and arguing but what really gets done, absolutely nothing as this show is much like professional Wrestling, for the public's sake only, and despite how real it looks, the wining party was decided back stage.

At the end of the day they are all really on the same page and as long as the public thinks there is struggle there is a show to provide their need for drama. It’s an emotional addiction by the observers and their addiction to complaining is always a symptom of this. When the masses lose their addiction to negative circumstances then this show will turn into productivity, as those who are in the spotlight will need to shift their mentality.

This is the basis of new thought, instead of blaming everyone else for your negative feelings. Change it inside of yourself and remove this drama addiction from your consciousness. Then this change will add to the collective sentiment. Remember, you cannot unify if you are observing separation, look at your opponent’s desires, see that they are much like yours and find a common understanding where everyone is satisfied.

You are only here 100 years at most and if you can’t be a positive influence on this planet for the short time you are visiting. Then at least, do not interfere in anyone's happiness. Look inside of yourself and find out how you can break your negative addiction and then when enough people do this, society will loose their need for conflict.

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I am an author and proud member of New Thought Movement Publishing’s family of authors. My latest book “15 days to a beautiful life" is out and doing well. My latest title and collaboration project from "Chicken soup for the soul illustrator Steve Barr will be out this fall. You can find my titles and other great new thought authors at: My latest social movement has connected me with many people who help me with the task of reminding people to look with-in for their true essence. If you’re looking to get involved with this program go to: I can be found on numerous websites and my writings can be seen in many publications. You can goto the source of those articles at my blog which is syndicated in various publications. Http:// You can find my latest main stream project at which is also being shopped for syndication at:
