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Thursday, June 17, 2010

No matter what you say … There is NO tomorrow

There is no tomorrow … Do you disagree? Can you prove the existence of tomorrow? By the time you get there it will be today. So, then you will be left with the infinite oxymoron of proving the day after. So, do not argue something in which you have no tangible proof that it exist. For those of you who have my book 15 days to a beautiful life you know my theory of time paradigms (sorry about the dork word paradigm just means personal belief system that by which you live by).

It is my contention that there are only two general ways one can observe time. Simply put you can observe time in a non- stop observation of the moment or time can rush by you as you cannot grasp the present and only the idea of what is to be or has been. It’s either your living in the now or not. It’s like a light switch and is not bendable from a physical sense. Luckily there is also a metaphysical sense!

There is no way for someone to be truly living if they are constantly dreading tomorrow and hating the past. Do you think Michael Jordon was not in the moment as he lit up the garden for 55 point every time he stepped on the court? Of course he was in the moment. That’s why he succeeded he was able to work hard enough off the court to build his confidence and belief in himself. I don’t think anyone would debate that Jordan was the best of the best. If you do not know Michael Jordan’s story then you should, it has always been my belief that if you want to be successful you should probably study people who succeed. He was actually cut from his high school basketball team. Then he decided not to let that stop him and to be a basketball player. He made this his #1 goal and obviously did it and made it look easy in the process. I swear that guy could fly and it even if you were a diehard knick, Celtics of hawks fan you were watching the games to see Jordan! They should have made Jordan play blindfolded and I am sure they still would have won all those titles the only difference is he would have sold a billion dollars worth of Jordan blind folds in the process. Great people love adversity because it births opportunity because they see it as that. This mindset does not happen overnight and consequently I do not think that Knicks John Starks was living in the moment when he went 2 for 20 in the in the GAME FREAKIN 7 FINALS!

Anyway, this living in the moment stuff may be a bit more than a suggestion. If you do your homework and find out what makes people great. That would be a staple and whether they knew it or not was a big part of why everything they touch turns to gold.

So, it’s that simple live in the moment and you will be successful. Have a great weekend everybody!

Now if I was making best selling DVD’s I might be tempted to end the article but lucky for all of us I assume my readers are adults and their brains will not explode if I complete this essay and tell you what is true to my heart.

That through every major religion, theology, mythology and paradigm that I have studied and unless you worship a head of lettuce, I have probably studied your belief system (If anyone remembers that episode of 3’s company please reply), I also speak from a scientific and philosophical point of view when I say that everyone thing I have for mentioned speaks the praises of Meditation along with Phil Jackson and the Multi-World Champion Lakers. Hello!!! Knock!!! Knock!!! Oh and in case you forgot Phil Jackson was Michael Jordan’s coach during the time that all you could do was watch Jordan and the Bulls dismantle everyone.

There are proven health, psychological and physical benefits of meditation. Not to mention countless NBA championship rings. Religions suggest it for various reasons and I have always found it extremely interesting how cultures meditate on a different spot in their minds eye. I have done as many of these techniques from various corners of the world as I am aware of and they are all wonderful and there is no one set way that works the best. It’s as individual as your fingerprints along. It is when we appreciate diversity in general not just as ethnic races but as a human race.

To me meditation is like shutting off the outside world so you can feel how blessed and loved you are by listening to the sound of your inner spirit. It is said when we speak the divine listens and when we meditate we listen to the divine. There is only one person who can truly tell you what meditation is like and that’s you.
All you need to do is quiet your mind in a comfortable place, when done every day you become better and better at it and you come to a place of neutrality and non-interference. You will receive all the answers you are searching for and you will be pleasantly surprised at the answers, although I can guarantee no two answers will ever be exactly alike. This is all wonderful to hear and I am sure many people will agree with the benefits of meditation and healthy thought but the person in the bathroom mirror is the only one who can get you there.
I am sure you’re wondering what this has to do with living in the moment. Living in the moment is a natural side effect of Meditation and looking with-in. There is nothing you cannot do when you get in touch and find out who you truly are but that is and always will be up to you.

Joseph Anthony

Bet you didn’t think I was going there …LOL Thank you all for reading and being so kind to me all this time. I want to personally thank all my facebook, myspace,, gather and social network buddies who are too numerous to list and have shown me so much Love just for being me. I have been especially touched recently and I will be posting more on this subject when the time is right. I want to thank each and every one of you, I know things are getting exciting for me now and I would not be here today without your love and support. Thank you all; from me and my family thank you for all the Love, support and friendship.

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About Me

I am an author and proud member of New Thought Movement Publishing’s family of authors. My latest book “15 days to a beautiful life" is out and doing well. My latest title and collaboration project from "Chicken soup for the soul illustrator Steve Barr will be out this fall. You can find my titles and other great new thought authors at: My latest social movement has connected me with many people who help me with the task of reminding people to look with-in for their true essence. If you’re looking to get involved with this program go to: I can be found on numerous websites and my writings can be seen in many publications. You can goto the source of those articles at my blog which is syndicated in various publications. Http:// You can find my latest main stream project at which is also being shopped for syndication at:
