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Thursday, May 13, 2010

An Angel once told me … Cry tears of Joy and make the world a better place

Under normal circumstances I never speak about dreams, visions, angels (in a physical sense) or anything remotely mystical. Reason Being; I do not claim to know much about these subjects and I am sure my readers could educate me more on this subject then I.

I always go to a Metaphysical/ Philosophical route first because I have spent 18 years of my last 31 years studying these topics and this is where I am most comfortable. If someone else can take an entirely different approach, then I am confident enough in my knowledge to know that there are many truths. Truth comes in many sizes, shapes and colors and cannot be graded because everything is unique for what it is.

I cannot explain nor express anyone else’s truth because I cannot search inside of anyone else and discover them. The journey is personal and can be lived only in the first person. We cannot know if we create these experiences in this vastness of physical illusion or if our own personal universes flow through this space time continuum and creates experiences and from a new broader perspectives. In order to figure out what existence is.

This is a miraculous, spectacular place to be privileged enough to experience from any perspective. From where you are to where you want to go is only one thought away! The boundaries are set up by your beliefs, and you always have the power to decide what to believe. You hold the greatest power in the universe in your hand; the power to choose.

Before I go on a Metaphysical rant, let me get back to the subject of the essay’s title. An Angel once told me; I have had a few dreams involving Angels, chit chatting with me. I have no clue what to make of these things, so I put a spin on it that makes it most comfortable and feels right for me. I believe all events especially those of a super natural theme is an expression of consciousness or the consciousness of all parties involved. I believe this because quantum physics, physical science, metaphysics, ancient texts and personal experience have given me enough evidence to believe so.

Whenever I have a dream like this, someone is usually telling me something super useful. This time, something stood out to me. It happened somewhere in between my meditation and sleep transition that I do every night, so there is no way of me knowing if this was a dream or not and I can only leave it up to your interpretation as it relates to you;

“I was lying in bed with my son and my wife and the sun was shining behind their faces and everyone was resting peacefully. I found myself crying tears of great joy and love as I felt a blissful feeling of warm energy. I felt my sacrum (orange) chakra open with a cool breeze that tingled. I then heard a woman who identified herself as Angel explain to me that when we cry tears of joy; We put drops of pure love into water form, this is how we make our world a better place by circulating these sentiments of pure love. “

Joseph Anthony

Joseph Anthony is the author of "15 days to a beautiful life" and a member of the New Thought Movement Publishing Family.

15 days to a beautiful life is available now and will be officially re-released soon. Available on amazon or Http://

1 comment:

  1. All people creating or having created for them, the truth - that is, as you say above, that we each create our own truths thru our own experience, is a recipe for chaos. To exist in the realm of no singular truth which each individual determining their own truth, is parallel in my humble opinion, the reason we have hate, crime, etc. how does one sincerely respect another if their truth is vastly different from their own? Or is this where we insist on tolerance? Because tolerance, is far, far removed from love. The truth I subscribe to is not of my own experience, my "lens", and most certainly not of my own convenience. The truth i subscribe to is on the contrary quite inconvenient, and sometimes quite painful, because it shows me an unattainable state of perfection that never leads me to hatred or apathy, but demands that I love, not tolerate, my fellow humans. It does not ask me to love them because of differences, neither does it allow for me to judge myself as superior based on my mislead notion to measure my adherance to this truth. I must understand that I will love my neighbor in spite of all differences knowing that there is only one class of people in this truth - those that fall short of perfection, but also this truth says embracing the laws in accordance to this truth ensures me blessings in this life and the eternal life hereafter. Love is not tolerance - love is following the Divine Truth supporting our fellow human beings in their journey of seeking the truth and the promise of all things glorious through the sacrifice of the one true Son Of God, his Father, and the Holy Spirit that is revealed thru us during this journey. To deny the call to understand this internal voice to seek him is always without question a matter of human pride, or willful disobedience for whatever reason. Don't hate the truth because of the evil done to you by man. This is akin to cutting off all relationship to people because your parents abused you. I pray that everyone seeking to understand the question of "why am I here", will look to the Holy Bible first, and let it reveal itself. Your life will never be the same.


About Me

I am an author and proud member of New Thought Movement Publishing’s family of authors. My latest book “15 days to a beautiful life" is out and doing well. My latest title and collaboration project from "Chicken soup for the soul illustrator Steve Barr will be out this fall. You can find my titles and other great new thought authors at: My latest social movement has connected me with many people who help me with the task of reminding people to look with-in for their true essence. If you’re looking to get involved with this program go to: I can be found on numerous websites and my writings can be seen in many publications. You can goto the source of those articles at my blog which is syndicated in various publications. Http:// You can find my latest main stream project at which is also being shopped for syndication at:
