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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Metaphysical Sports

I make no apology about the fact that I am a sports nut. You name it I love it,
World Cup to the World Series, it doesn't matter to me. I Love it all, I grew up in NYC, and all we had was sports to play. So that's what we did and had a great time doing it. Obviously, growing up in Brooklyn I was a huge Knicks, Giant's and Yankee's fan. Although, I often wonder how that would be different if the Dodgers stayed in Brooklyn being I grew up a stones through away from where Ebbet's Field once stood.

My sport's roots go way back. I have even been known to write sports articles from time to time. My passion for sports also runs deep having been an athlete my entire life, be it Bodybuilding, Power Lifting, Semi-pro Football or the uncountable number of pick up games I have participated in.

Needless to say, I am more than qualified to speak about sports. Before I get any e-mails about what I just said, I am going to address it now :) ; It may seem odd to some that a metaphysical/philosophical writer would be into (Comic Books, Video Games, Sports etc...).

To those, I would say that if you can not see the beauty in everything including that which you may not understand that would be why you do not understand. Just because I may not particularly like something, it doesn't mean that I can not appreciate that other people do or that I might learn to appreciate it one day. We must respect everyone personal opinions and what they enjoy.

The other point and this point not only speaks from my personal perspective but the perspective of many of my generation. It has become the time for my generation to come up and make our presence known as leaders of philosophy, science, industry and most importantly THOUGHT! We are the generation up at bat now and we must be aware of this fact, so we can enjoy our world. Like Gandhi said be the change you wish to see in the world. We are being that change and because you snowboard or play Madden does not disqualify you as a being.

It is time to find out who we really are as a generation and embrace the now. The now that we are in control of by being a living, thinking being of innovation. There is no age requirements to be a philosopher, is there!?! After all some of our best philosophers were under the age of 30 when they did there best work. Nor is there an age restriction to think the next thought that leads to an invention which helps humanity. Of course not, some of our greatest inventors started inventing as children. It's all about what you believe is possible!

That being said, there is much spirituality in sports. Napoleon Hill once said that
"To know a man study him while he is winning and while he is loosing".

Having studied pretty much everything Napoleon Hill has ever written I can tell you he was not referring to a scientific case study. He was referring to the man of the self. Your inner self! The only person he has said you can study.

It is been 102 years since cubs fans have celebrated a world series. The Cubs fan's get an opportunity to learn the talent of hopeful optimism and unconditional Love. Which is what the Cub fans I have known has exuded when talking about their team. When they win it one day and they will it will be the sweetest victory for them and they deserve it. I wish them well and I am always happy for the winner because I enjoy the game. I know what you are all saying that's easy for a Yankee fan to say, you just won it last year. This is true but I am also a Knicks fan; need I say more. Labron 2011?

Look for the beauty in everything and respect each others personal opinion and path. People are not meant to walk or think in uniformity. The combination of thoughts and the respect of individual perspectives can cross all racial and religious divides and teach the respect for the unity of life.

If anyone is like me and had the privilege of growing up in a multi-cultural neighborhood. You know it can be the most enriching experience anyone can imagine. That does not happen if you decide to lock yourself away from the world and bury yourself in your own culture.

There are many wonderful things that can happen to you if you let them happen. Many places to go, people to see, foods to eat and culture to enjoy. Borders are imaginary and at best are as real as the cheesy map it's printed on. Classification is a form of reference personalized with names to draw emotion and induce memory. Although, if you break it down to the fabric of what all of it truly is you will find out; it is all the same essence the same being.

Joseph Anthony

As always I ask that you look-inside of yourself and see if these words are true.
Meditate and look-inside.

15 days to a beautiful life is available now and is now officially re-released. Available on amazon or Http://

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About Me

I am an author and proud member of New Thought Movement Publishing’s family of authors. My latest book “15 days to a beautiful life" is out and doing well. My latest title and collaboration project from "Chicken soup for the soul illustrator Steve Barr will be out this fall. You can find my titles and other great new thought authors at: My latest social movement has connected me with many people who help me with the task of reminding people to look with-in for their true essence. If you’re looking to get involved with this program go to: I can be found on numerous websites and my writings can be seen in many publications. You can goto the source of those articles at my blog which is syndicated in various publications. Http:// You can find my latest main stream project at which is also being shopped for syndication at:
